
2020 Census

  • April 1, 2020 is Census Day.
  • The number of people who participate in the Census determines the number of seats Pennsylvania gets in the U.S. Congress.
  • By law, responses to the Census are confidential.
  • Each person in Pennsylvania who participates in the Census provides our state with nearly $21,000 in federal funds for the next 10 years.
  • When people are not counted, Pennsylvania risks a reduction in federal representation and funding.
  • Mid-March “invitations to participate” will be sent to households across America, please read the instructions and respond.

Sewer Rate Increase

The Sewer EDU rate for 2019 is $75.00/EDU. This new rate becomes effective on the bill to be mailed in February 2019 which is for usage in January.


This disclosure satisfies the requirements for the Millheim Borough Pension Fund with the Pennsylvania State Association of Borough’s Municipal Retirement Trust.

Click on attachment to view complete document.

2016 Act 44 Disclosure Form

Volunteers Wanted

Any one interested in helping the Downtown Beautification Committee, please contact Patty Beckenbaugh, Committee Chairperson at 349-2419.