
ATV Ordinance

An ATV Ordinance regarding ATVs, dirt bikes, and other recreational vehicles was adopted at the January 2014 Borough Council meeting. It is now unlawful to operate these vehicles within the Borough. This ordinance was adopted to reduce noise, reduce dust and dirt pollution, and improve safety for pedestrians. There are certain exceptions, such as motorized wheel chairs and scooters used by handicapped individuals, and vehicles used for property maintenance or business purposes. Also excluded are uses by the Millheim Fire Company, the Penns Valley Emergency Medical Services, and other municipal, governmental, or military personnel when used to conduct their official duties. Code Enforcement Officers as well as the Pennsylvania State Police have enforcement authority of this ordinance. Violation of this ordinance can result in penalties ranging from $50 to $300 per offense. This is a summary of the ordinance. The full text of the ordinance can be found by clicking on “ATV Ordinance to the left of this document and then beside Attachments clicking on the ATV Ordinance.pdf


Parking: There is 2-hour parking in the downtown business district. The area is signed and offenders may be ticketed. Please note: Parking in front of a fire hydrant is not permitted, offenders will be ticketed.

Important Rules and Regulations

Sidewalk Obstructions: It is the responsibility of the property owner to see that all sidewalks are cleared of snow, ice and other obstructions within twenty-four (24) hours after the same shall cease to fall, in the case of snow, or shall have occurred, in the case of ice or other obstructions.

Building Permits and Yard Sale Permits are required in the Borough so please call Glenn Ripka at 349-8177 for more information before starting any project.