2024-04-09 Council Minutes
P.O. BOX 421
PHONE (814)-349-5350 FAX (814)-349-5733
April 09, 2024
Katie Blume called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM with the pledge of allegiance. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Nickelaus Engle and Cecilia Gallup. Also in attendance, Cim Besecker Borough Treasurer and Solicitor John Miller. Absent Beth Cottrell, Mayor Steve Myers and Denise Immel Borough Secretary.
Citizens present: Kathy Highbaugh, Millheim Borough Tax Collector, Eunice Troxen representing Calvary Church
Citizens input: Calvary Church holds a volunteer week once a year and have chosen Millheim Borough as the recipient for 2024. They are willing to perform all sorts of cleanup work or small improvement such as painting. Curtis Runyan is the contact person. Council suggested weeding and trimming projects for our playgrounds and parks, also referred them to Patty Beckenbaugh, Borough Beautification Chair and Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Park, Millheim Pool.
A motion was made by Cecilia Gallup to approve the March 12, 2024 minutes as presented, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Cecilia Gallup to approve the March 2024 financials as presented, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion passed.
Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission reports:
The Code Enforcement report was reviewed with no questions or comments. No reports from HARB or the Planning Commission.
Employee reports:
Throughout March we had good weather and bad weather. With the mix of weather employees had the chance to do a little bit of everything. There were a few houses needing to be hooked up with new MXU’s and set up on the system. When the bad weather came there was storm damage to be cleaned up, some trees came down on roads and a few trees at Union Cemetery came down. No damage was caused. Employees have been working at patching road sides and alleys with stone. Cold patching our main roads will begin soon. The sidewalk on Water St. and Center St. is almost ready for new concrete. Two quotes have been received one for $8,756.00 and one for $9,170.00. Myers Heating and Cooling was contacted about a heating replacement for the shop heat. Quote came in at $2,500 for the new unit and instillation. Jeff Tate Paving had come down and submitted a quote for paving Sugar Aly and South St.
Robert Zeigler made a motion to accept the proposal from Myers Heating and Cooling to replace the heating in Borough shop, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion passed.
New Business
Robert Zeigler made a motion approving the invoice from A3-USA for two backup membranes for sewer plant as required by DEP, pay half now and balance upon delivery, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion passed.
Tax Collector:
Kathy Highbaugh presented a recap of the meeting that have been held in regards to the new collection program being instituted by Centre County Government. Centre County Government has signed a contract with GSS, starting tax year 2025 they will be using this company for reporting and collections. GSS offers multiple services but has not been able to supply a cost to the Borough. The Borough may be able to stay with RBS if county permits, but our tax collector would then have to run two systems.
Not enough information to make an educated decision. Ms. Highbaugh will report any additional information to the Borough. Council will hear Ms. Highbaugh’s recommendation before making any decisions.
Two bids have been received for the sidewalk replacement on Center Street and Water Street:
Henry Spicher $9,170.00 and Zook Construction $8,750.00. Robert Zeigler made a motion to Zook Construction seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion passed.
PVRPC fee due:
Penns Valley Regional Planning has requested a contribution from each Penns Valley municipality of $50.00 this is the buy in that happens every 3 years. Robert Zeigler made a motion to approve the contribution request seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion passed.
EMS Proclamation:
Cecilia Gallup made a motion to proclaim the week of May 19, 2024 as Emergency Medical Services Week seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed. Katie Blume to sign the proclamation dated 04/09/2024.
Old Action Items
Infrastructure updates:
Dam Weir:
Buchart Horn is preparing final paperwork.
DCED Multimodal Grant Bridge Project:
Buchart Horn continues to work with Chilton Design to finalize the plans for bidding. They have not had any activity with Chilton at this point.
WWTP Project – Equalization Tank
Buchart Horn is still working on finalizing and preparing bidding documents. They continue to work on DEP permit. Will be ready for submission this month.
Raw Water Main Replacement:
With Authorization in place, Buchart Horn will begin design and permitting of this project.
Chapter 94 Report:
Buchart Horn has completed the annual Chapter 94 Report for 2023. The numbers all look good and indicate no overload within the 5-year projection.
Elk Creek LT2 Permit:
Buchart Horn is working with Mr. Kerstetter to complete the permit submission indicating the methodology that he will use at the water plant to meet the requirements of Elk Creek as a water source.
Update on building grant:
Mr. Zeigler is obtaining estimates for various project that fall with the grant guidelines. He will prepare a proposal to be presented at the April 19, 2024 meeting.
Little League:
No update as PVLL was not represented.
Pool Request:
The Borough has received a request from the Penns Valley Park and Recreation for assistance with mowing, financial support and to be exempt from water usage charges. Robert Zeigler made a motion for the Borough to continue mowing Soldiers and Sailors Park and to continue to waive the monthly service charges on the water and sewer bill, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed. PVPRA will continue to pay for water usage.
EDU discussion:
Staff continues to work on letter and questionnaire. Will have prepared for the April 19, 2024 meeting.
Reichart Cemetery:
As West Penn will not permit any type of excavation, Mr. Reichart is willing to pursue an alternative to the cemetery restoration such as a plaque honoring the veterans and founder. Said plaque could be located on the Borough right of way on Locust Street. Mr. Reichart would be responsible for any survey costs and cost of the plaque and installation.
Community works/CPI:
Mr. Zeigler has been speaking with the director of Community Works program thru Rockview to possible have inmates perform some community projects. Also working with CPI to have benches and possible picnic tables made for community areas in the Borough.
Robert Zeigler made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM
Denise Immel, Borough Secretary