2024-01-02 Council Minutes
P.O. BOX 421
PHONE (814) 349-5350 FAX (814) 349-5733
January 02, 2024
Mayor Steve Myers called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 7:00 PM. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Beth Cottrell, Katie Blume, Cecilia Gallup and Mayor Steve Myers also in attendance Secretary Denise Immel, and Treasurer Cim Besecker. Absent Nickelaus Engle and Solicitor John Miller.
Citizens Present: none
Mayor Myers asked the newly elected council members to stand and administered the Oath of Office to Robert Zeigler, Katie Blume and Beth Cottrell. After the swearing in ceremony Mayor Myers called for nominations for council president. Robert Zeigler nominated Katie Blume seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Mayor Myers asked for additional nominations, with no other nominations or objections all voted for Katie Blume for council president. President Blume asked for nominations for council vice president. Katie Blume nominated Robert Zeigler seconded by Cecilia Gallup, with no other nominations or objections all voted for Robert Zeigler for council vice president.
Robert Zeigler made a motion to accept the following appointments, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion passed.
Building & Insurance Committee – Cecilia Gallup
Personnel Committee: Katie Blume
Sewer Committee: Beth Cottrell
Streets & Alleys: Robert Zeigler
Water Committee: Nickelaus Engle
Open Records Officer: Stephen Myers
President Pro-Tem: Stephen Myers
Fire Tax Committee: Cecilia Gallup
Beautification Committee: (Fountain Park) Patty Beckenbaugh
Cecilia Gallup made a motion to approve the December 12, 2023 minutes as presented, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion passed.
Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission reports:
The Code Enforcement report was reviewed with no questions or comments. No reports from HARB or the Planning Commission.
Employee Reports: none
New Action Items
Invoices: none
Cecilia Gallup made a motion to appoint Laron Horner as the Borough Sewer Enforcement Officer, seconded Robert Zeigler. Motion passed.
Robert Zeigler made a motion to appoint Richard Gallup, Vacancy Officer for the Borough, seconded by Beth Cottrell. Motion passed.
Robert Zeigler made a motion to appoint Kate Tosto, Real Estate Broker to the HARB committee, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion passed.
Cecilia Gallup made a motion to appoint Robert Zeigler, to represent Millheim Borough on the Regional Planning committee, seconded by Beth Cottrell. Motion passed.
Beth Cottrell made a motion to appoint Robert Zeigler to represent the Millheim Borough on the Penns Valley Code Enforcement Agency board, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion Passed.
Beth Cottrell made a motion to reappoint Dick Decker as our representative on the CCMPO coordinating committee, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion passed.
Cecilia Gallup made a motion to inform CCMPO that Millheim Borough would like to consider Robert Zeigler, as a possible regional representative on the CCMPO technical committee, seconded by Beth Cottrell. Motion passed.
Cecilia Gallup made a motion to approve Katie Blume signing the engagement letter as presented by Baker Tilly, seconded by Beth Cottrell. Motion passed.
Robert Zeigler made a motion to appoint John R. Miller, III, Esquire as Borough Solicitor, seconded by Beth Cottrell. Motion passed.
Robert Zeigler made a motion to appoint Cim Besecker, Chief Administrative Officer for the Borough, seconded by Beth Cottrell. Motion passed.
Cecilia Gallup made a motion to remove Sherry Corman as a signer on all financial accounts associated with the Borough tax identification number and add Cim Besecker, along with Denise Immel, Katie Blume and Stephen Myers on all financial accounts associated with the Borough tax identification number, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion passed.
Old Action Items
Infrastructure updates: none
Streets and parking/ordinance:
Beth Cottrell made a motion to advertise Ordinance 277, providing for the ordaining and reaffirming the prior ordaining of all of the streets and alleys located in the Borough of Millheim, amending the names of some and codifying in one ordinance all of the public street and alleys in the Borough of Millheim and providing for the positing of signs identifying the same where necessary, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion passed.
Little League: no report
Secretary’s Report:
Statement of Financial Interest:
Statement of Financial Interests forms were distributed, please return by 02/13/2024.
Insurance contract:
Insurance contract for 2024 has been signed. Premium is over budget by $7,000.00. Our agent has provided us with a contract that they would like us to use when we contract work to companies. Council requested a conversation with solicitor before making any decisions.
Amending Agenda:
A recent court case –Coleman v. Parkland School Dist., — A.3d —, 2023 WL 7371857 (Pa. Cmwlth. Nov. 8, 2023) – has changed the understanding of how an agenda can be amended under the Sunshine Act. n this case the Commonwealth Court held that there are only three reasons listed in the Act that permit an agency to amend its agenda during a meeting.
Advertised agendas cannot be amended during a meeting except under the following circumstances:
To handle an emergency
To conduct business considered de minimis arising within 24 hours of the meeting and not involving a contract or expenditure of funds.
To handle de minimis business brought be a resident/taxpayer during the meeting that doesn’t require a contract or expenditure of funds.
Cecilia Gallup made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Beth Cottrell. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at
Denise Immel, Secretary