
2021 Act 13

Please use the following link to access the 2021 Act 13 Report. This report is required by the Public Utilities Commission for municipalities receiving impact fee monies as a result of the Act 13 of 2012 Marcellus Shale Well Fee.

2020 Act 13

Please use the following link to access the 2020Act 13 Reporting. This report is required by the Public Utilities Commission for municipalities receiving impact fee monies as a result of the Act 13 of 2012 Marcellus Shale Well Fee.

Small Business Advantage Grant

The Small Business Advantage Grant provides 50% matching grants, up to a maximum of $5,000 to enable Pennsylvania small businesses to purchase energy efficient or pollution prevention equipment, or adopt waste reduction processes. $390,000 in funding remains, and the funding is distributed on a first come, first serve basis. Contact us today to see if your project qualifies.

Fall Brush and Leaf Collection

Brush and leaf cleanup will be from November 1st to November 5th and November 8th to November 12th. Please refer to the enclosed notices: 

Please note brush pickup is only for small branches and limbs. Branches must be less than 4 inches in diameter. Brush and limbs should be neatly stacked beside a named road for easy access for the Borough employees. If a Borough resident cut down a tree simply to remove the tree, Borough employees will not pick up the branches, limbs, or trunk. 

Collected brush and leaves must be available for pick up on Monday, November 1st and/or Monday, November 8th by 7:00 AM. Throughout the week the Borough’s friendly maintenance team will be making one single pass on each street for brush and again one single pass on each street for leaves. Once the leaves have been picked up on a street or alley the crew will not be back to pick up anymore leaves on the same street or alley that week. Also, once the brush has been picked up on a street or alley the cleanup crew will not be back to pick up anymore brush on the same street or alley that week. Brush and leaves are not picked up simultaneously. Clean up will be held weather permitting.

Please check our web page or our Face Book page for any updates or changes due to weather.

Trick or Treat

Millheim Borough will hold Trick or Treat night on Saturday, October 30th from 6:00 PM til 8:00 PM. We encourage you to follow CDC guidelines.

Waterline Maintenance

We will be repairing a leak in the waterline on Penn Street today, September 16, from 8 AM until Noon. You may experience interruption in your water service. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Upcoming Storm

A reminder to all borough residents: Per Orinance #187 No person shall discharge or shall cause to be discharged into the sewer system any stormwater, surface water, spring water, groundwater, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, building foundation drainage, cellar drainage or drainage from roof leader connections. This ordinance has been established for the protection of the borough residents,

Tax Collector Hours

The Millheim Borough Tax Collector will have office hours at the Borough Office on the following dates and times:

September 07, 08 and 09 from 6:00 PM – 8 PM

September 14 and 15 from 6:00 PM – 8 PM

Saturday, September 11 from 10:00 AM – noon