2023-09-19 Budget Minutes



P.O.  BOX 421



PHONE (814)-349-5350       FAX (814)-349-5733


September 12, 2023

Katie Blume called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM with the pledge of allegiance. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Nickelaus Engle, also in attendance Sherry Corman Borough Treasurer/Assistant Secretary and Solicitor John Miller.  Absent Beth Cowher, Cecilia Gallup, Mayor Steve Myers and Denise Immel Borough Secretary/Assistant Treasurer.

Citizens present: none

Citizens input:

A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to approve the July 12, 2023 minutes and the August 18, 2023 as presented, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to approve the August 2023 financials as presented, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission reports:

The Code Enforcement report was reviewed with no questions or comments. No reports from HARB or the Planning Commission.

Employee Reports:

August consisted of a lot of busy work. A blown a tire on the skid steer required attention, Kuppel’s Auto gave us the best deal, there was almost had no wait time and staff very happy with the work. The skid steer was only down three days. In the meantime road projects were completed. That road project consisted of grading the berm down, leveling a drain area, fixing the road side, and then placing a new berm with cold patch. This has been working very well discharging the water properly.

With all the rain the mowing has been crazy, in reference, mowing was done 13 of the 31 days this month. This is with the Soldiers and Sailors property added in as well. Including mowing roadsides with the tractor, this is new to the list this year. The new boom mower is getting used more than anticipated.

Water and sewer are working fine.

New Action Items


A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to pay invoice 121279 in the amount of $3,182.50 to Buchart Horn for professional services rendered on plant screen and dam weir, and invoice number 121273 in the amount of $100.95 for 2023 NPDES renewal, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Lease agreement:

The Penns Valley Code lease agreement is set to expire December 31st 2023. It will then automatically renew every 12 month unless 30 day notification to cancel is given by either party.

The East Penns Valley Library lease agreement will expire December 31st 2024.

Liquid fuels:

The Centre County liquid fuels application was presented, the application must be submitted by 5:00 PM on Friday, October 20th 2023 to be considered for any 2024 funding. Funding can be used for road maintenance, new road construction, safety improvement to roads, repair or replace bridges, drainage improvement on roads, signals and signs for road or equipment and structures to be used for roads. Possible projects could include drainage on Mill Street, renewal of crosswalks on Penn Street, North Street and Main Street. 

Budget dates:

A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to establish the 2024 budget meeting dates for September 19th and September 26th beginning at 8:30 AM and Monday, October 22nd at 6:00 PM and Tuesday October 10th at 6:00 PM if needed. Seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

LST tax resolution 2023-09:

Robert Zeigler made a motion to adopt resolution 2023-09 authorizing the expenditure of $7,000.00 to Penns Valley Emergency Medical Services from the funds collected by the borough of Millheim from the local services tax, Seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed. 

Old Action Items

Updates on Infrastructure:

Screen Replacement project

The Preconstruction meeting was held on Friday September 8, 2023, and the Notice to Proceed was

issued. The contractor intends to be on site very quickly. At the Pro-Con a discussion was had about a couple possible changes to the project scope. The

contractor plans to submit cost impacts for those changes.

Bridge inspection:

PennDot had an inspection completed on the Park Road Bridge. Two priority 2 deficiencies were found.

Update on Solar Projects:

The solar panels should be delivered on site this week, Justin will confirm the correct placement options within the fence onsite. Mr. Omar confirmed the corn removal by mid to late October, construction will begin immediately following. Construction will into 2024 with an expected completion date of spring 2024.


A revised edition of the ordained streets within the borough has been submitted to Centre County government and Center County 911 for review.

Human Rights Commission:

Robert Zeigler made a motion to adopt ordinance number #274 to establish a Regional Human Relations Commission, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Robert Ziegler made a motion to adopt ordinance #275 to ensure anti-discrimination, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed. 

Secretary’s Report:

Maintenance crew is in need of new shirts and have requested sweatshirts instead of jackets. Additional costs may be involved for set up fees as we are looking for a new supplier.

Checking accounts:

As the HHC and Town Clock account do not have regular activity they are subject to dormancy fees if there is no client activity in    month. Robert Zeigler made a motion to deposit a dollar from the general account into the HHC account and the Town Clock account, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Robert Zeigler made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:00.


Denise Immel

Secretary/Assistant Treasurer
