2022-09-13 Council Minutes
P.O. BOX 421
PHONE (814)-349-5350 FAX (814)-349-5733
September 13, 2022
Katie Blume, Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, CeCe Gallup. Also, in attendance, Sherry Corman, Millheim Borough Treasurer/Assistant Secretary and Mayor Steven Myers also, Solicitor John Miller. Not in attendance were Council Members Beth Cowher and Nichelaus Engle and Denise Immel, Secretary/Assistant Treasurer. Citizens present: Kristen Kalmbach
Citizens Input:
Kristen Kalmbach voiced her concerns regarding some speeding issues and cutting though the parking lot around St. Johns Childcare Center. Race Alley runs though the lot. The borough did place SLOW CHILDREN signs earlier in the year but it has not helped with the problem. Many ideas were discussed. It was decided that the borough will paint “SLOW” on our alley at each end of the alley. A motion was made by CeCe Gallup to paint the alley and seconded by Robert Zeigler. We will also add a reminder in our borough newsletter asking residents to slow down in this area. We cannot close the alley down due to emergency vehicles needing access.
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by CeCe Gallup to approve the minutes, with the upcoming meeting dates corrected and seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried.
Financial Reports:
Motion was made by Robert Zeigler to accept the Financial Reports as submitted, seconded by CeCe Gallup. Motion carried.
Code/HARB/Planning Commission Reports: Nothing to report
Employee Reports:
Motion was made by Robert Zeigler to accept the employee reports as submitted, seconded by CeCe Gallup. Motion carried.
Adam DeGarmo submitted a request to repair a damaged drain on Elk Street. A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to approve the repair, seconded by CeCe Gallup. Motion carried.
New Action Items:
The Buchart Horn invoice was presented and a motion was made by CeCe Gallup to pay the invoice, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to close the “Water CD Proceeds” checking account and move those finances into the Water CD/Money Market Account. Seconded by CeCe Gallup. Motion carried.
The First Amendment to Solar Farm Option and Lease Agreement (Mountain Ground) has been reviewed and approved. A motion was made by CeCe Gallup to accept the agreement and approve President Katie Blume to sign the agreement, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried.
The County Liquid Fuels Grant was discussed. The application is due by October 21, 2022. Many ideas were discussed such as the parking lot at the playground, concreting the floor of the implement shed, paving the remainder of Park Road, possible work on Mill Street for drainage. Tabled until next meeting.
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to approve Resolution 2022-11 for the payment in the amount of $9505.97 to the Millheim Fire Company #1 for the Fire Truck Loan Payments and the Workers Compensations Insurance. Seconded by CeCe Gallup. Motion carried.
Since the Borough now has the Solar Array at the Sewer Treatment Plant a motion was made by CeCe Gallup to not renew the Constellation Agreement in December of 2023. Seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried.
Marcon Roofing has been inspecting our borough building roof for many years, 2 times a year. We questioned if we needed to have this done twice a year. We spend approximately $700.00 a year to do this. The decision was made to continue doing inspections twice a year because maintenance is generally more cost effective than letting it go until there is a major problem. A motion was made by CeCe Gallup to continue with Marcon for inspections. Seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried.
Our Mifflinburg Water and Sewer Loans rates are about to change after our October 2022 payments. Sherry Corman reached out by email to Mifflinburg Bank to see if we can get a better rate, or modify the loans since interest rates are starting to rise. Sherry received an email from Casey Aukerman at the local Mifflinburg branch offering the Borough a fixed rate of 3.75% for 5 years or a fixed rate of 4.35% for 10 years. The fee from the bank to modify would be $500.00 and our solicitor or bond council would need to prepare the modification agreement for us. After discussions a motion was made by CeCe Gallup to take the 5-year term at 3.75%. Seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried.
Old Action Items:
John Segursky, Borough Engineer was not present but sent us a report on all the current projects he is working on.
As a reminder Budget meeting dates are as follows, Monday September 19, 2022 at 7PM, Wednesday September 21, 2022 at 7pm, Friday September 23, 2022 at 8:30am and Monday September 26, 2022 at 7pm.
The Small Solar Project at the Sewer Treatment Plant was discussed. Solicitor Miller will let BAI Group know that we would like $1000.00 option fee up front and $1250.00 per acre for this project. Otherwise, the agreement looks acceptable. This project is still being negotiated.
Secretary’s Report:
No report this month as Secretary Immel is on vacation.
Citizens Input:
A motion was made at 9:00pm by Robert Zeigler to adjourn the meeting seconded by CeCe Gallup.Motion carried.
Sherry S. Corman, Treasurer/Assistant Secretary