Regular Meeting – November 12, 2019



P.O. BOX 421



                                   PHONE (814) 349-5350                                   FAX (814) 349-5733


November 12th, 2019

President Alan Ilgen called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 7:00pm. Council members in attendance: Al Ilgen, Robert Zeigler, Stephen Myers, Beth Cowher, Patty Beckenbaugh, John Miller Solicitor and Mayor Lauralee Snyder also in attendance Treasurer/Assistant Secretary Lisa Farwell.  

Citizens present: Glenn Ripka, Rick Bair, Dave Sprowls, Scott Ludwig, Sel Edor, Curt Bierly, Stan Beirly and Scott Chambers.

Citizens Input: None

Code Enforcement: Mr. Ripka present, nothing to add to monthly report.

New Action Items:

Baker Tilly annual audit reviewed by Mr. Rick Bair. A motion was made by Mr. Zeigler to approve the audit seconded by Ms. Cowher. Motion carried.

Mr. Curt Beirly presented his request to the Council for a variance request for his antennae on his place of business.  Council was advised by Mr. Miller that this was not an issue for the council to decide but the Zoning Hearing Board. The matter will be put before the Zoning Hearing Board.

Mr. Ilgen reviewed the 2020 Borough Budget and a motion was made by Ms. Cowher to advertise the budget per the Borough Code, seconded by Mr. Zeigler. Motion carried.

Council has a request from Millheim Fire Co No 1 for reimbursement of the truck loan payments from July 1, 2018 through October 30, 2019 for $4009.84.  A motion was made by Mr. Myers for Mr. Miller create a resolution approving the payment of these funds seconded by Mr. Zeigler. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Zeigler to have Mr. Miller write up a new ordinance for the 2020 Real Estate tax to be set at 4 mills (3.5 mills for General and .5 mills for Fire Tax) and the penalty to be 10% seconded by Ms. Cowher. Motion carried.

Old Action Items:

A motion was made by Mr. Zeigler to sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with BAI Group to move forward with the solar project at the water plant seconded by Ms. Cowher. Motion carried.

Mr. Ilgen informed council that the small water and sewer grants had been completed.

A motion was made by Ms. Cowher for the council to approve the signing of a franchise agreement with Atlantic Broadband seconded by Mr. Zeigler. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Myers to approve the minutes as written from the October 8th, October 16th, October 18th and October 30th 2019 council meetings seconded by Ms. Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.

A motion was made to approve the October financial reports by Mr. Zeigler seconded by Mr. Myers. Motion carried.

Secretary’s Report – A donation request from Home Nursing Agency. A motion was made by Mr. Zeigler to donate $250.00 to Home Nursing Agency for 2019 seconded by Mr. Myers. Motion carried.

Citizens Input: None

A motion was made by Ms. Cowher to adjourn seconded by Mr. Myers. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,


Lisa Farwell/Treasurer
