Regular Meeting – July 09, 2019



P.O. BOX 421



                                   PHONE (814) 349-5350                                   FAX (814) 349-5733


July 09, 2019

Vice-President Robert Zeigler called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 7:00 PM. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Stephen Myers, Mayor Lauralee Snyder, Beth Cowher and Patty Beckenbaugh also in attendance Secretary/Assistant Treasurer Denise Immel. Absent Al Ilgen

Citizens present: David Sprowls

Citizens Input:

David Sprowls reported to Council that he had sent an email to Chris Maney at PennDot commending PennDot on the patching work performed on Penn Street, as part of the email Mr. Sprowls inquired about the reconstruction project for Penn Street. The response form Mr. Maney was that due to snags the project has been removed from the list. Council will request President Ilgen follow up with PennDot on the status of reconstruction of Penn Street.

Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission Reports:

The code enforcement report was reviewed with no questions or comments. No reports from HARB or the Planning Commission.

Employee Reports:

Justin Kerstetter – The month of June consisted of normal street and alley fixes, and general maintenance around town including some road side mowing. Several trees have been knocked down due to storms and have been expediently removed. Awaiting the arrival of the digital speed signs.

New Action Items:

Uni-Tec – no report


EMS continues to struggle financially, they are seeking a firm commitment from all municipalities of the equivalent to 0.5 mills for the 2020 budget. EMS is looking at a possible restructure of the board to include a representative from each municipality. A public information meeting is scheduled for

July 29, 2019.

Ilgen Sewer Extension:

A motion was made by Patty Beckenbaugh seconded by Beth Cowher to allow Vice-President Zeigler to sign the letter requesting Centre County Planning to review the Sewage Facility Planning Module for the Ilgen Sewer Line Extension on West Main Street as prepared by Uni-Tec. Motion carried.

Centre County Suicide Prevention:

A motion was made by Beth Cowher seconded by Steve Myers to adopt Resolution 2019-5 designating the Month of September 2019 as “Millheim Borough Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month” and September 10, 2019 as “Millheim Borough Suicide Awareness and Prevention Day”. Motion carried.

Centre County Recycling:

Centre County Recycling sent a letter alerting municipalities of the intention of state government to use the Recycling Fund to help support other initiatives. They were requesting municipalities to oppose the transfer of any money from the Recycling Fund. The account may appear to have a surplus as the awarded grants have yet to be disbursed which can be a 6 – 18 month process furthermore a portion of the fund is used to pay for 50% of the cost (salaries, benefits and other expenses) for recycling coordinators. Again a cost that is disbursed a year after the expenses have occurred.

Pension Plan Invoice:

A motion was made By Steve Myers seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to approve and pay Thomas J. Anderson & Associates, Inc. invoices in the amount of $1.300.00 for preparation of the January 1, 2019 actuarial valuation report. Motion carried.

Sensus Autoread Software Support invoice:

A motion was made by Beth Cowher seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to approve and pay Sensus invoice for 12 months of Autoread software support. Motion carried.

QuickBooks Training thru Bollman:

A motion was made by Steve Myers seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to approve the expense of $100.00 to Bollman Payroll for additional training on our QuickBooks program for Lisa Farwell. Motion carried.

Old Action Items

HAMA letter:

Millheim Borough has received a copy of a letter from Haines Aaronsburg Municipal Authority informing Woodward Cole of DEP that at their meeting on June 04, 2019 they decided to discontinue the pursuit of a water system emergency interconnection with Millheim Borough.

Radar Speed Signs:

Ordered on June 27, 2019

G&R Excavating repairs: no report

Street Paving Project:

Documentation has been received, we are waiting on Hawbaker for a start date.

US Census Bureau request:

This request it being handled thru Centre County Government.

Three Year Planning Considerations:

Projects for consideration: Penn Street reconstruction to include proper drainage repair of Park Road and further investigation into the well as a possible back up for water usage.

Office reorganization assistance:

Denise and Lisa continue to make headway will request assistance as needed.

Committee and Mayor’s Report:

Robert Zeigler reported the Habitat for Humanity is interested in purchasing the lot on the corner of Center Street and Water Street.

A motion was made by Beth Cowher seconded by Steve Myers to have maintenance purchase mulch for the Borough playground cost not to exceed $500.00. Motion carried.

Sel Edor of BAI Group, LLC will be at the July 19, 2019 meeting to present additional information on solar power for the Borough, with the idea of talking thru the potential future benefits of solar as well as the financial benefits of today.

A motion was made by Steve Myers seconded by Beth Cowher to approve the June 11, 2019 minutes. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Steve Myers seconded by Beth Cowher to approve the June 21, 2019 minutes. Motion carried with Robert Zeigler abstaining as he was not present for the June 21 meeting.

A motion was made by Steve Myers seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to approve the June financial statements. Motion carried.

Secretary’s Report:

Millheim Borough has received a request from Interfaith Human Services to hold classes in the council room on January 13, 2020, February 6, 2020 and March 10, 2020 beginning at noon on each day. These classes help qualify residents for emergency heating assistance. A motion was made by Steve Myers seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to grant the request for Interfaith Human Services to hold classes on the given dates in the council room. Motion carried.

Citizens Input: none

A motion was made by Beth Cowher seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 PM.


Denise Immel Secretary/Assistant Treasurer
