Regular Meeting – January 8, 2019
P.O. BOX 421
PHONE (814) 349-5350 FAX (814) 349-5733
January 08, 2019
President Al Ilgen called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 7:00PM. Council members in attendance: Al Ilgen, Ed Bowman, Patty Beckenbaugh, Beth Cowher, Robert Zeigler, Mayor Lauralee Snyder, Solicitor John Miller and Denise Immel, ASSISTANT Secretary/Treasurer. Also in attendance John Segursky representing Uni-Tec.
Election of Officers: no action needed
Citizens Input: none
Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission Report:
Penns Valley Code Enforcement submitted their yearend report for council review. The agency deemed it a successful year issuing 274 building permit with a total value of the buildings was over $10,500,000.00. The agency responded to 510 incidents.
President Ilgen reported on the December 26, 2018 Planning Commission meeting. The Pisano Winery project has been signed off and approved by the planning commission. The project now needs to be presented to Centre County Planning and DEP for review of the Sewage Planning Module. Mr. Pisano will also need to present finalized plans to Penns Valley Code for review to acquire proper permits.
Employee Reports: no report
New Action Items:
John Segursky reported that a substantial completion walk through was held on December 05, 2018, a punch list was prepared and submitted to G&R Charles. G&R Charles returned on December 12, 2018 and repaired the areas of paving based on the punch list.
Matt Milliron from Centre County Planning has suggested that we continue the water main north 425 feet and across SR0445 as a means to use the remaining funds from CDBG, estimates have been presented.
Uni-Tec is currently reviewing comments received on the water allocation permit submission. During the renewal DEP is going to place Elk Creek and Phillips Creek on the same allocation permit. This will not affect the current 160,000 gallons per day withdraw from Phillips Creek and will extend the permit date to 2044. A measuring device must be installed so the operator can record the daily pass by flow, A request has been made to relocate the measuring device to near the screen building. PA Fish and Boat expressed concerns about blocking the migratory path of the fish. DEP has asked if this was definitely not permittable and is awaiting a response.
A motion was made by Ed Bowman seconded by Robert Zeigler to move forward with extending the waterline project north and across SR0445 as suggested by Centre County Planning. Motion carried.
President Ilgen presented the resignation of Councilman Ed Bowman effect February 28, 2019 and the resignation of Thomas Heckman, Emergency Manager Coordinator effect January 01, 2019. A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to accept the resignations of Ed Bowman and Thomas Heckman. Motion carried. President Ilgen asked council members to solicit borough residents to fill these positons.
Additional training hours on QuickBooks has been requested. These additional hour will be used to cover year end processes thru QuickBooks. A motion was made by Ed Bowman seconded by Robert Zeigler to approve an additional 10 hours of QuickBooks training at the rate of $40.00 per hour. Motion carried.
The Fax machine in the Borough office is not functioning. A motion was made by Ed Bowman seconded by Beth Cowher to purchase a new fax machine, purchase price not to exceed $200.00. Motion carried.
Councilwoman Cowher will pursue purchase at Sam’s Club.
President Ilgen asked council member to consider projects that could be included in a three to five year plan. Items such as the lack of drainage on Penn Street, the bridge of the Race on Penn Street, combine with PennDot project set for 2021. Will find out deadline for submitting a request to grade the gravel road area of Park Road. Cannot pave Park Road until bridge is repaired.
President Ilgen requested council members review the financial reports and come prepared to make recommendations on transferring excess working funds to interest bearing accounts.
Old Business;
Passwords for our Go Daddy account are not working, without access Ms. Grove cannot proceed with the development of the new website. Secretary Leitzel is to have passwords reset and supply this information to Ms. Grove. Upon receipt of password Ms. Grove will proceed with the website.
Committee and Mayor’s Report:
Beth Cowher reported she has requested a bid from Robin Hanselman on repairing the first step leading into the Borough Office. She will have a discussion with Mr. Hanselman to as to whether the step can be effectively repaired now or if we will need to wait for spring.
A motion was made by Ed Bowman seconded by Robert Zeigler to approve the minutes of the December 21, 2018 meeting. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Ed Bowman to approve the December Financial Summery. Motion carried.
Secretary’s Report:
Due to the 90 day delinquency status and the receipt of a notification from Centre County Sheriff’s Office advising of Sheriffs sale on February 14, 2019 on the property located at 151 Penn Street, a municipal lien will be filed on this property in the amount of $1,034.00.
Council was advised that the Borough has received notification that the Final Subdivision Plan of Lands of Craig and Mary Ellen Storm file 148-15 has been extended for the 11th time and will now expire
April 01, 2019.
Financial disclosers need to be completed and submitted to Borough by all council members and office personnel.
Next council meeting will be held on February 12, 2019,
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Ed Bowman to adjourn. Motion carried
Meeting adjourned at 8:20PM
Denise Immel Assistant Secretary/Treasurer