Regular Meeting – February 22, 2019



P.O. BOX 421



                                   PHONE (814) 349-5350                                   FAX (814) 349-5733


February 22, 2019

President Al Ilgen called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 8:30 AM. Council members in attendance: Al Ilgen, Ed Bowman, Patty Beckenbaugh,  Robert Zeigler, Denise Immel, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer and Kathy Highbaugh, Tax Collector. Mayor Lauralee Snyder arrived at 8:40 AM. Beth Cowher was absent from meeting. Also in attendance John Segursky representing Uni-Tec, AJ Covalt from Nittany Engineering, Andrew and Andy Pisano, Pisano Winery.

Citizens Input: none

Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission Reports:

The Code Enforcement report was reviewed with no questions or concerns.

No reports from HARB or Planning.

Employee Reports:

The guide rails for Pump #1 in the influent pump stations have been replaced, allowing easy removal of this pump if necessary, it is safe to assume the same corrosion issue exists with Pump #2 which will be discovered if and when this pump needs to be pulled.

New valves and check valves have been replaced in the valve vault due to heavy corrosion.

A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Ed Bowman to pay the invoice for Dave Gutelius Excavating in the amount of $12,948.39 for valve replacement in the vault. Motion carried.

The water filtration plant continues to operate well.

New Action Items:


John Segursky reported that G & R Charles will continue to replace the water main on SR0445. A supplement was submitted and approved by PennDOT.

Uni-Tec continues to review the comments on the water allocation permit submission. The Elk Creek permit is currently being reviewed, during this process DEP is going to place Phillips Creek on the same allocation permit, with no changes to the amount of water that is allowed to be withdrawn and will extend the permit date to 2044.

The absent of a working measuring device is still a concern, a measuring device must be present so the operator can record the daily pass by flow. Uni-Tec is still awaiting a response from DEP and the PA Fish and Boat on our request to move the measuring device near the screen building. Uni-Tec is recommending installation of measurement device which can be monitored remotely. Unit-Tec will work with Roy Rupert on various options.

Mr. Segursky reminded council that it is time preparation and submission of the Annual Wasteload Management Report (CH. 94 Report).

A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Ed Bowman authorizing Uni-Tec to prepare and summit the CH. 94 Report. Unit-Tec will prepare and have the report available for review at the March council meeting.

A motion was made by Patty Beckenbaugh seconded by Ed Bowman authorizing payment of the 01/10/19 Uni-Tec invoice in the amount of $4,341.02. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Patty Beckenbaugh seconded by Ed Bowman authorizing payment of the 02/06/19 Uni-Tec invoice in the amount of $4,143.25. Motion carried.

Authorization for Uni-Tec to prepare and submit the NPDES permit was tabled until the March meeting, council has asked Uni-Tec to supply the cost of preparation.

Nittany Engineering – Pisano Winery:

AJ Covalt representing Pisano Winery, LLC explained the DEP has denied the original application. DEP has determined that the original application is incomplete due to the failure to supply sufficient information and supporting documentation. A new submission packet was presented to council with a request that council signoff on the documents, including the new Transmittal Letter and Resolution 2019-1 to allow resubmission of the application. Council requested the opportunity for Solicitor John Miller to review all documents prior to signing. A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh conditionally approve President Ilgen signing the documents, including the Transmittal letter and Resolution for Plan Revision for New Land Development 2019-1, pending review and approval of Solicitor Miller. Motion carried.


A conference call was initiated with APPI representative Chris Landing to review the proposal to contract electricity with Constellation. Constellation is the lowest bidder of the 18 bids submitted at $0.05199 per kWH. The new contract would begin January 2020 and run for 47 months. A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Ed Bowman to authorize President Ilgen to sign the 47 month contract with Constellation at $0.05199 per kWH. Motion carried. APPI recommends starting to renegotiate electric contracts 18 to 24 months prior to expiration date of existing contract this gives the best rates possible.

Part time employee and subcontractor approval:

A motion was made by Robert Zeigler and seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to approve Trevor Benner as a part time on call employee with the Borough and Buddy Cowher as a subcontractor for the Borough. Motion carried.

Planning Commission Replacement:

A motion was made by Patty Beckenbaugh seconded by Robert Zeigler to approve Gary Stine to fill a vacancy on the Planning Commission. Motion carried.

Radar Speed Control Signs:

President Ilgen reported that the Centre County Board of Commissioners has denied our applications for paving and speed control signs. After discussion on the safety of the residents it was decided to pursue the purchase of four (4) Radar Speed Control Signs with funds from our State Aid (Liquid Fuels) account. Contact will be made with the two venders who submitted bids to meet with Justin Kerstetter and President Ilgen to review the signs and placement.

Tax Exoneration List:

Kathy Highbaugh, Tax Collector presented council with the Personal tax exoneration list for 2018. A motion was made by Ed Bowman seconded by Robert Zeigler to approve the exoneration list as presented. Motion carried. Delinquent tax list will be sent to J.P. Harris for collection.

Office Reorganization:

Denise Immel to pick convenience Saturdays in which 2 council members will join her in reviewing documents and papers lying around the office to establish retention or destruction.

Old Business:

Website update/Social Media:

Our new website is still under development. We will look at a social media presence, for informational purposes only, after the website has been update and is running smoothly.

3 Year Planning Consideration:

Two items were discussed as project to be considered for our 3 year plan, the drainage on Penn Street and the construction of a bike path. Other items can be added as they come up.

Funds Balance Transfers/CD Rates:

CD rates are higher at First National Bank then Mifflinburg Bank. Council recommends having Tracy Leitzel review average account balances verses expenditures and make recommendations to move excess funds to interest bearing accounts. Council agreed to pursue this after our annual audit in March.

A motion was made by Ed Bowman seconded by Robert Zeigler to transfer 6 months payment for the Water Fund checking account to the Water Project checking to cover payments to PennVest. Motion carried.


President Ilgen explained that he was contacted by Woody Cole of DEP on the status of the HAMA System Interconnection and Bulk Water Supply Agreement. The Borough has not moved on the agreement as we have not heard anything from Centre County or HAMA, DEP likes to see working agreements between municipalities, DEP has funds available to cover the cost of any engineering studies that would be done. After much discussion and concerns on what if any necessary improvements have been done to improve the HAMA situation. Council does not feel there is enough information available to make any final decisions on the issue. President Ilgen will arrange a meeting with DEP to review and discuss the councils concerns.

Committee and Mayor’s Report:

Regional Planning:

Mayor Snyder asked that council members review the Penns Valley Regional Comprehensive Plan and discussion will be held at the March meeting.

A motion was made by Ed Bowman seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to approve the minutes for December 12 and 27, 2017 and January 02 and 19, 2018. Motion carried with Robert Zeigler abstaining.

A motion was made by Ed Bowman seconded by Robert Zeigler to approve the minutes for the January 08, 2019 meeting. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Robert Zeigler and seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to approve the January financial reports. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Patty Beckenbaugh seconded by Ed Bowman to amend the minutes of the May 08, 2018 meeting changing the resolution number from 2018-4 to 2018-4.5 as 2018-4 was previously assigned. Motion carried.

Secretary’s Report:

A letter was received from the Penns Valley Park and Recreation Association’s board of directors thanking the Borough for its donation. We also received an email announcing the date to the 10th Annual Millheim Sprint TRI and Millheim Mini, race date is June 22, 2019.

PSAB will hold its annual conference June 09-12, 2019 at the Hershey Lodge. Registration deadline and hotel reservation deadline is May 01, 2019.

Denise Immel will be attending training for Municipal Secretary and Administrators on March 7, 2019.

Next council meeting will be held on March 12, 2019.

A motion was made by Patty Beckenbaugh seconded by Ed Bowman to adjourn. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM.


Denise Immel Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
