Regular Meeting – August 13, 2019



P.O. BOX 421



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August 13, 2019

President Alan Ilgen called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 7:00 PM. Council members in attendance: Al Ilgen, Robert Zeigler, Stephen Myers, Beth Cowher and Mayor Lauralee Snyder also in attendance Solicitor John Miller and Treasurer/Assistant Secretary Lisa Farwell. Absent Patty Beckenbaugh.

Citizens present: David Sprowls              

Citizens Input: None

Employee Reports: Council to consider budgeting for new maintenance position for 2020.

New Action Items:

UNI-Tec – project update by Al Ilgen. Motion to pay invoice for $1650.15 by Beth Cowher, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried.

EMS Meeting – Meeting attended by Al Ilgen and Robert Zeigler on 7/29/19. Al summarized the meeting discussion that EMS would be going through a reorganization review, considering formal agreements with municipalities and discussion of future funding.

Budget Meeting Dates – The following dates were discussed to begin work on the 2020 Millheim Borough Budget – 9/25/19, 7pm, 10/16/19, 7pm and 10/30/19, 7pm.

Lisa Farwell – Motion to continue employment of Lisa Farwell and increase salary to $14/Hour by Stephen Myers, seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion carried.

Old Action Items:

Radar Speed Control Signs – Justin is setting up the signs and they should be in place prior to school starting.

Crosswalks and Parking Lines – Al is putting together cost proposals and council will consider in the 2020 budget.

G&R Excavating Final Work – punch list is complete.

Street Paving Project – Project is complete, motion by Stephen Myers seconded by Robert Zeigler to pay Glenn O. Hawbaker Inc invoice in the amount of $34,963.98. Motion carried.

Three Year Planning Considerations – Repairs to the bridge, repairs to Park Road and address Penn Street drainage issues.

Office Reorganization Assistance – Lesley has volunteered to assist in the Borough office with some reorganization projects.

Approval of Minutes:  A motion was made by Stephen Myers and seconded by Robert Zeigler to approve the minutes from the July 9th, 2019 and July 19th, 2019 meetings. Motion carried.

June Financial Reports:

A motion was made by Robert Zeigler and seconded by Beth Cowher to transfer $8000.00 from the Water Fund Checking to the Water Fund CD and $2000.00 from the General Fund Checking to the General Fund CD. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Robert Zeigler and seconded by Stephen Myers to pay an IRS tax bill for $2510.61 and request Susan Bollman, accountant, to draft a letter requesting some of the penalties be waived as the Borough has taken steps to prevent this from occurring in the future. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Robert Zeigler and seconded by Beth Cowher to approve the July financial statements. Motion carried.

Secretary’s Report:

A motion was made by Robert Zeigler and seconded by Stephen Myers for the Borough to participate in the Purple Ribbon Campaign in September, celebrating National Recovery Month. Motion carried.

Citizens Input: None

A motion was made by Beth Cowher seconded by Stephen Myers to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.


Lisa Farwell  Treasurer/Assistant Secretary
