2023-07-11 Council Minutes



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July 11, 2023

Katie Blume called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM with the pledge of allegiance. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Nickelaus Engle and Beth Cowher. Also in attendance Mayor Steve Myers, Denise Immel Borough Secretary/Assistant Treasurer, Sherry Corman Borough Treasurer/Assistant Secretary and John Segursky, Buchart-Horn. Absent Cecilia Gallup and Solicitor John Miller.

Citizens present: none

Citizens input: none

Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission reports:

The Code Enforcement report was reviewed with no questions or comments. No reports from HARB or the Planning Commission.

Regional Planning:

A road masters meeting will be held the end of July. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss various work projects needed in the borough and townships that collaboration could be done to obtain grant moneys for all municipalities to complete the desired projects.

Employees Reports:

The road crew has been trimming the necessary roadside shrubs and fixing berms. A huge issue on Long Lane was drainage, they have slowly been working at fixing the roadside slopes to help with water discharge. They will continue to keep working on this project as weather allows. Some smaller projects consisted of the Fountain Park lights, straightening light poles from people backing into them or horses being hitched up to them, while doing so all the globes on the poles were taken off and deep cleaned. They have been able to catch up on fire hydrant painting that the Fire Company requested and have almost completed the paint jobs on the necessary hydrants. This will allow the Fire Company, when attached to the hydrant, to be able to tell the gallons per minute the hydrant will produce.

The month of June according to the rain gauge has rainfall at 5.7 inches. It is recommended that the water advisory be lifted. There have been several issues with high water usage at residence property mostly due to leaky toilets, residents have been notified.

Test results are proving that a scheduled and consistent life for the bugs there make it work. The membranes will probably need cleaned this month but it is just a normal maintenance procedure.

A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to approve the June 13, 2023 minutes as presented, seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to approve the June 2023 financials as presented, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

New Action Items


A motion was made by Beth Cowher to pay the Harris Computer invoice for UBPro support in the amount of $1,232.00, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Beth Cowher to pay the invoice 120742 in the amount of $1,514.25 to Buchart-Horn for professional services on the 2023 NPDES renewal, and invoice 120746 in the amount of $1,245.00 for professional services on the dam weir and water plant screen, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Human Relations Commission:

Several municipalities had adopted ordinances to see that every resident receives the full benefits of citizenship and are afforded equal opportunities, unburdened by unjust discrimination. These municipalities have also established a regional human relations commission to help protect people for the negative direct and secondary effects of discriminatory practices. It is hoped that the regionalized approach will provide a vehicle for complaints to be investigated, resolved, dismissed or prosecuted. Much discussion was held as to such ordinances would be beneficial to the Borough of Millheim. A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to table and decision until the August 08, 2023 meeting, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Beth Cowher – no, Robert Zeigler – yes, Nickelaus Engle – yes and Katie Blume – Yes.

Motion passed.

Pool request:

The pool is requesting assistance from the borough with mowing and additional financial support. A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to have the borough maintenance crew take over the mowing of the Lion’s Club property at the pool, staff will track hours worked and cost of fuel, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

A request has also been received from the pool board for the pool to be exempt from water usage charges. The Borough currently waives the monthly maintenance fees for both water and sewer. Discussion was held on the water usage at the pool with a review of past years usage. A motion was made by Katie Blume to donate $1,000.00 designated for water usage in lieu of waiving water usage fees to insure proper maintenance of plumbing and water conservation, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion passed.

The pool board has asked if the borough has access to any funds to assist in the purchase and installation of new heating system for the pool, also if we would assist in the research and act as a liaison with the other local municipalities to identify potential funding for this need. A motion was made by Beth Cowher to request additional information, to clarify discrepancies, prior to making any decision or commitment in further assisting the pool and pool board, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion


VCBA and Summerfest:

Valley Community Business Alliance will be holding Summerfest, focusing on downtown Millheim and the Millheim Fire Hall area. VCBA has requested that Poplar Street to be closed from North Street to just beyond Sugar Alley (by the former PV Jewelers Shop) as well as that small portion of Sugar Alley. Also to have access to the grass lot at Center Street and Water Street to use for parking, if needed, and use of the Gazebo at Fountain Park to provide information and/or directions. Robert Zeigler made a motion to approve VCBA requests and to have Katie Blume sign the HVAB 2023-24 Tourism Grant in the amount of $6,250.00, funds to then be transferred to VCBA, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

As the business alliance is expecting increased foot traffic during the Summerfest event, Robert Zeigler made a motion to send a written request to code enforcement for a one time policing of properties to enforce the Boroughs grass and weed ordinance, seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion passed. Katie Blume to send email.

Reichard Cemetery:

The exact location of the cemetery has yet to be determined, ground penetrating equipment will be brought back in later this month to search an adjacent area. Our solicitor recommends that borough staff not be used in clearing of any new areas as there is no written documentation of sale.

CATA opportunity:

Regional planning and local official is speaking with CATA to determine what if any services can be provided to the Penns Valley area.

CPI and state labor:

Sources of labor for upcoming projects.

Old Action Items

Updates on infrastructure:

Second round of bids results on Dam Weir project: Greenland Construction $211,000.00 and Maverick Construction $215,000.00. Katie Blume made a motion to accept the bid from Greenland Construction in the amount of $211,000.00, pending review by our solicitor and engineer, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion passed

DCED Multimodal grant bridge project:

A site meeting was held on April 25, 2023, with a bridging company. I am waiting on their final proposal for the pricing. It appears that using this system may allow for both Elk Street and Plum Street to be completed. An agreement for services based upon the grant application. The engineering fee listed in the grant application was $80,000.00.

WWTP project – Equilization Tank:

Buchart-Horn is designing the tank and the control mechanism for the EQ Tank. A preliminary design meeting will be held with Justin in the next month to finalize layout and controls.

An agreement for services based upon the grant application. The engineering fee listed in the grant application was $40,000.00.

LSA grant application:

Millheim Borough was selected to receive $400,000 from the Local Share Account program. This grant is to replace the raw water line from the dam to the new main along SR 0445 and a section further down toward town. This program does not have a match component. Buchart-Horn will present an agreement to Council to begin this process.

Update on solar projects:

Construction to start at sewer solar project in September 2023.

Fee schedule consistency:

Robert Zeigler made a motion to adopt Resolution 2023-08, updated fee schedule for the borough effective January 01, 2024, seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion passed.

Rental ordinance follow up:

Mike Lesniak is working with council.

Streets: No report

Medical Center Update:

Gonzalo Rubio was appointed to represent the borough on the medical center board. They are researching the possibility of having some form of urgent care, but need to find and interested party.

Water/burn advisory:

Robert Zeigler made a motion to lift the water/burn advisory, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Committee and Mayor reports: none received

Secretary’s Report


Complaints have been received on the parking situation on Center Street, residents’ state when a car is parked on Centre Street, especially by the intersection of Penn Street it is very difficult for two cars to pass. Residents are also concerned about sliding in to parked vehicles in the winter months. Council will monitor the situation.

ATV traffic:

It has been brought to our attention that ATVs are now running on Borough property and allies, this is a code violation and has been turned over to code enforcement.

A motion was made by Beth Cowher to adjourn, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion Passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.


Denise Immel Secretary/Assistant Treasurer
