2023-04-11 Council Minutes
P.O. BOX 421
PHONE (814)-349-5350 FAX (814)-349-5733
April 11, 2023
Katie Blume called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM with the pledge of allegiance. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Nickelaus Engle and Cecilia Gallup. Also in attendance Denise Immel Borough Secretary/Assistant Treasurer and Sherry Corman Borough Treasurer/Assistant Secretary and Solicitor John Miller. Absent Beth Cowher and Mayor Steve Myers
Citizens present: none
Citizens Input: none
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to approve the March 14, 2023 minutes as presented, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to approve the March 2023 financials as presented, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.
Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission Reports:
The Code Enforcement report was reviewed with no questions or comments. No reports from HARB or the Planning Commission.
Penns Valley Regional Planning would like to make an arrangement with all municipalities in the Penns Valley area for regional grant applications, allowing municipalities to file one application to cover numerous projects within the municipalities to obtain larger pools of money.
Employee Report:
We have switched out all our winter equipment and have fine tuned everything to run for summer. The maintenance crew has been able to clear almost all of the reservoir road for access with just few small stretch to complete. The park benches are in early it would not be a bad idea to start looking for new park benches to replace our current ones. With the price of materials and time put into them every year it would be much more cost effective to replace them with all-weather material benches. The fountain will be put in when all the freezing weather is clear. A project that did not get completed last year was mulching the playground, with the good weather this project has been completed. The salt spreaders have been removed and all winter equipment stored away. Street sweeping will be completed as fast as possible, a lot of this is weather permitting, rain is a major factor on helping sweep streets, from keeping the dust away to being a factor in how clean the streets will get. On a side note, this will most likely be the last year we can use the large sweeper broom before needing a new one. Hoover, actually has another broom like the one we are getting with the tractor. We have looked into possibly trading our current broom for a second open broom, this will then allow us to have two 72” brooms instead of a 84” that is used on the skid steer and a 54” that is used on our old Steiner, This will be more cost effective in the long run for time fuel, and equipment parts.
A conversation was held with the salesman at Hoover, and he estimated the order completion will be the second or third week of April.
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to trade the existing 84“ sweeper for a newer 72” sweeper maximum cost $2,000.00, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion carried.
Heritage Electric submitted an estimate for lowering the electrical outlets on our lamp poles. Cost per pole $1,995.00. Council will pursue other avenues in regards to Christmas wreaths.
Notification has been received from DEP of a violation from November 2021 on a high crypto count, a very easy solution, additional treatment for Elk Creek, if it is ever used. If Elk Creek is used the NTU units will be lowered for a 0.300 to a 0.150.
The sewer plant had a loose hose causing a high C.BOD and fecal count, this was fixed immediately. Sewer is now running on point.
New Action Items
Nickelaus Engle made a motion to authorize PSAB-MRT to initiate payment in the amount of $1,450.00 from the Non-Uniformed Defined Contribution Pension Plan to Thomas J. Anderson, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried.
Cecilia Gallup made a motion to continue the service contract with Nittany Office Equipment cost for the 2023/2024 year is $375.00, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried.
Fire Company Parade:
Millheim Borough has received a letter from the Millheim Fire Company requesting permission to hold the annual Millheim Fire Company Carnival on the fire company grounds on June 15, 16, and 17, 2023, holding the parade on June 15 with a rain date of June 16. This request also included permission to close the alleys on both sides of the carnival grounds starting on Sunday June 14th to allow for set up. Cecilia Gallup made a motion to approve holding the carnival on the dates stated and to approve closing the alleys as of June 12th, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried.
Workers Memorial Day Resolution 2023-04:
Cecilia Gallup make a motion to adopt Resolution 2023-04 declaring April 28, 2023 as Worker’s Memorial Day seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried.
Centre County MPO: tabled to next month
Review newsletter: tabled
Waive Little League fees:
Robert Zeigler made a motion to waive maintenance fees of $800.00 for the 2023 season, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion carried.
Valley Community Business Alliance:
VCBA formerly known as East Penns Valley Business Association is filing for non-profit status and is scheduling Millheim Summer Fest formerly Millheim Walkfest for July 29th and 30th, 2023.
Nickelaus Engle made a motion to adopt Resolution 2023-05 authorizing VCBA to submit a Tourism Grant application to the Happy Valley Adventure Bureau in collaboration with the Millheim Borough, other local businesses, nonprofits and individual contributors to further community events, to further tourism and collaboration within the community, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion carried.
Old Action Items
Update on Infrastructure:
This project is prepared for bidding. After much waiting and discussion with DEP on the permitting for this item it has been determined that relocating the valve/screen will not require a permit.
A site meeting has been scheduled on April 25, 2023 with a bridging company. Their bridging solution appears to grant us the ability to possibly complete both Elk Street and Plum Street Bridges.
Buchart Horn is underway designing the tank and the control mechanism for the EQ Tank. A preliminary design meeting will be held with Justin in the next month to finalize layout and controls.
2022 Chapter 94 – Waste Load Management Report:
This annual report was completed and submitted prior to the March 31 deadline. The report showed that the plant is not currently overloaded and not projected to be overloaded in the next 5-years.
LSA Grant Application:
Millheim Borough was selected to receive $400,000 from the Local Share Account program. This grant is to replace the raw water line from the dam to the new main along SR 0445 and a section further down toward town. This program does not have a match component.
COVID-19 ARPA Small Water and Sewer Grant:
DCED has required that the Borough withdraw the submitted application from consideration due to receiving the LSA Grant for the same project. Notification has been submitted to DCED.
NPDES Renewal:
The wastewater treatment plant is due to renew the discharge permit. The permit expires in December, but PADEP requires the renewal applications be submitted 6-months prior to expiration. Millheim will need some support and usually some additional testing at the plant. A lump sum proposal for services in the amount of $3,500. During the 2019 Renewal the fee was $4,500.00.
Robert Zeigler made a motion to have Buchart Horn complete the NPDES renewal for the fee of $3,500.00, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion carried. Document signed by Katie Blume and will be sent to Mr. Segursky.
Update of Sewer Projects:
PennDot requires BAI to apply for a highway occupancy permit for the small solar farm at the treatment plant. The HOP will allow BAI to legally access the property for construction purposes. A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to authorize Katie Blume to sign the authorization form, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion carried.
Floodplain Follow up:
Still waiting on PEMA assessment, our floodplain ordinance will need to be replaced.
Reichard Cemetery:
George Reichard continues to pursue the purchasing of his family cemetery and has contracted with attorneys and engineers to finalize the acquisition. Ground sonar will be brought in to locate grave sites.
Secretary’s Report:
North Street:
The Borough needs to locate a water shutoff for a property on North Street. Justin will contact PA Rural Water for Assistance. Council has requested that Mr. Kerstetter also get an estimate from Gutelius to assist in adding shut offs to any property deemed necessary.
Cecilia Gallup made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Denise Immel, Secretary/Assistant Treasurer