2022-11-08 Council Minutes

P.O. BOX 421
PHONE (814)-349-5350 FAX (814)-349-5733
November 8, 2022
Council President, Katie Blume called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council members in attendance: Cecilia Gallup and Nickelaus Engle. Also, in attendance was Solicitor John Miller and Sherry Corman, Millheim Borough Treasurer/Assistant Secretary. Council members absent: Beth Cowher, Robert Zeigler. Also absent Steven Myers, Mayor and Borough Secretary/Asst. Treasurer Denise Immel.
Citizens present: Marcia Kimler, PVASD School Board Member.
Marcia is approaching all municipalities in her area in regards to school safety concerns. The school district has had a few townhall meetings to gather citizen’s input and another meeting is planned for this Wednesday evening. Marcia presented council with some statistics regarding increased incidents at the school that involved calling the state police. She also asked for feedback from council members on their thoughts surrounding how the school could continue to improve school safety. We discussed the possibilities of school police officers, resource officers, armed or unarmed and also mental health counselors among other possibilities to secure our schools from threats. The school currently has a survey online regarding school safety which council has offered to post the survey to our Facebook page and we will also send out an email to our residents as well with the link attached.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Cecilia Gallup and seconded by Nickelaus Engle to approve the October meeting minutes upon the addition of adding Nickelaus Engle to the council members absent. Motion Carried
Approval of Financials:
A motion was made by Cecilia Gallup and seconded by Nickelaus Engle to approve the October financial reports as presented. Motion carried.
Code Enforcement Report/HARB/Planning Commission Reports:
The code office report was reviewed, Cecilia Gallup requested that we ask code to explain the end of the report where there is an N and Y, and what this information means. Sherry Corman will contact code and report back to council. There were no reports from HARB or the Planning Commission.
Employee Reports:
A motion was made by Cecilia Gallup and seconded by Nickelaus Engle to accept the Road Masters October report. Highlights to the report were ordering the new tractor that we are receiving grant monies to purchase and adding an additional leaf pickup to our fall schedule. The second pickup for leaves only will begin the week of November 14th.
New Action Items:
The maintenance department is requesting the borough purchase concrete barriers to place our road salt, and anti-skid in. This will make delivery, and using the product much easier and time efficient for the crew. They presented in their report the estimated costs involved in purchasing the barriers from Centre Concrete and having them delivered to the borough for a total estimated price of $2300.00 to $2500.00. A motion was made by Cecilia Gallup and seconded by Nickelaus Engle to make the purchase of the concrete barriers and delivery in the amount not to exceed $2300.00 to $2500.00. Motion carried.
Invoices from Eckart Seamans, Miller Kistler and Campbell and PA State Association of Boroughs were presented. A motion was made by Cecilia Gallup and seconded by Nickelaus Engle to pay the presented invoices. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Nickelaus Engle and seconded by Cecilia Gallup to approve increasing the Borough Treasurer credit line to $2500.00 per month in order for her to pay additional invoices from Bradco, LB Water and any chemical companies who will allow us to pay by credit card. Motion carried.
The borough fee schedule discussion was tabled until the December meeting.
A motion was made by Cecilia Gallup to adopt Ordinance #272 and seconded by Nickelaus Engle. The ordinance implements the provisions of ACT 57 of 2022 by allowing a waiver of additional charges for real estate taxes by the borough tax collector. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Cecilia Gallup and seconded by Nickelaus Engle to approve the transfer of funds from the Mifflinburg Bank Sewer Fund CD/Money Market to the Mifflinburg Bank Sewer Fund Checking to make the Bi-Annual payment on the Jersey Shore State Bank Sewer Loan coming due in December. Motion carried.
The DEP letter regarding the sewer plant was discussed. All membranes have been replaced. No action needed.
The 2023 budget adoption is tabled until the December meeting.
Old Action Items:
No updates on infrastructure or the solar projects. John Segursky, Buchart Horn Engineer, is gathering information in regards to the inspection of Claren Court.
Secretary’s Report:
Bank rates are increasing. We received information from both FNB and Mifflinburg. A motion was made by Nickelaus Engle and seconded by Cecilia Gallup to accept the proposal from MBTC to increased rates and also FNB for the respective accounts. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Nickelaus Engle to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 PM, Seconded by Cecilia Gallup.

Sherry S. Corman, Treasurer/Assistant Secretary
