2022-05-10 Council Minutes



P.O.  BOX 421

                                                                                    MILLHEIM, PA 16854


PHONE (814)-349-5350       FAX (814)-349-5733


May 10, 2022

Nickelaus Engle called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 PM. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Cecilia Gallup and Beth Cowher also in attendance Mayor Steve Myers Denise Immel Borough Secretary/Assistant Treasurer, Sherry Corman Borough Treasurer/Assistant Secretary and Solicitor John Miller. Absent Katie Blume. Beth Cowher left the meeting at 8:25 PM.

Citizens present: none

Citizens Input: none

A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to approve the April 12, 2022 minutes as presented, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Beth Cowher to approve the April 2022 financials as presented, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried.

Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission Reports:

The Code Enforcement report was reviewed with no questions or comments. No reports from HARB or the Planning Commission.

Employee Reports:

Heavy rains the weekend of May 06 and May 07 caused some issues with the old pump at the sewer plant, this pump was pulled on May 09 and the new grinder pump purchased in September 2021 has been installed. Other than this issue the water and sewer plants are running as expected.

The rainy weather allowed the last of the street sweeping to be completed. The cold patch has been purchased from Gregg Township and we will beginning patching side streets.

With the approval of the Recycling Grant we will be purchasing a tractor and accessories. Upon completion of this purchase we will be able sell off some equipment and would like to use these funds to purchase a sweeper attachment for the tractor which will be more efficient and effective.

New Action Item

Town-wide Yard Sales:

Robert Zeigler made a motion to hold town-wide yard sales on June 16, 17, 18 and 19 in conjunction with the Millheim Fireman’s Carnival, seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion carried.

Ordinance #271- parking:

Beth Cowher made a motion to adopt Ordinance 271, amending Chapter 15, part 3, section 307 of the Millheim Borough code of ordinances by prohibiting the parking of vehicles for more than 15 minutes in front of the United States Post Office at 101 West Main Street in the parking space so marked, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion carried.

Jersey Shore Loan Payment:

Robert Zeigler made a motion to pay $20,000.00 from the sewer checking account and the balance of the bi-yearly Jersey Shore payment from the sewer money market account, seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion carried.

Line Painting:

Estimates for pavement marking of parallel stalls, curbing, parking lot lines and cross walks were reviewed, Safety Line LLC $1,980.00 and GPS Line Striping $2,800.00. Beth Cowher made a motion to accept the estimate for Safety Line LLC for the project, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried.


Someone has been painting initials/wording on various signs that have been installed by the borough. The PSP have been notified and we are to remove the initials/wording and keep them updated if additional vandalism occurs.

Code Enforcement Officer:

Robert Zeigler gave an update on the code office, as Michael Lesniak is still not back in the office they are struggling to keep up with the work load but are doing well financially. Guidance was requested from council as to how they would like code to proceed with enforcement of ordinances, policing the borough for violations or responding to complaints only. Discussion was held with the consensus being that code can do proceed with what they feel is best for the borough.

Union cemetery snow removal reimbursement:

Beth Cowher made a motion to reimburse the Borough from the Union Cemetery account for the hours spent clearing the Union Cemetery sidewalk of snow and ice in the amount of $174.00, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion carried.

Letter regarding drainage:

A letter has been received in regards to a drainage issue that has occurred in the Frazier Street development. After discussion council requested our solicitor respond to the author explaining that this is not an issue for the Borough to resolve.

Email regarding erosion near sidewalk:

We have received a question on erosion occurring along a sidewalk on Water Street where several years ago the borough removed a tree. Research will be conducted as to when the tree was removed, reason why and decision on responsibility.

Safe deposit box:

Robert Zeigler made a motion to have Sherry Corman and Denise Immel close out the safe deposit box at Mifflinburg Bank, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion carried.

Vacation Time:

A request has been received for payout of unused vacation time. Discussion was held on amending the HR policy around accrued vacation time but no decision was reached agreed to table to next meeting.

Use of council room for Centre Safe training:

Cecilia Gallup made a motion to allow Centre Safe to hold training sessions in our council meeting room, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried.

Old Action Items

Recycling grant:

The grant application for $55,500.00 to purchase tractor and accessories has been approved. A draft contract and offering letter will be emailed to Robert Zeigler for signature.

Sewer pump:

We have replaced the old blue pump with the grinder pump.

Fountain Park trees, flower baskets and 4H:

New dwarf Alberta Spruce trees have been purchased to replace the dying trees located at the benches in Fountain Park, the baskets have been delivered to Patchwork Greenhouse for potting and will be hung throughout downtown when completed. Robert Zeigler made a motion to reimburse Patti Beckenbaugh $188.53 for purchase of trees and Preen for use at Fountain Park using funds from the Beautification Funds, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion carried.

No update on 4H project.

Road sign at St. John’s:

St John’s Childcare has requested a sign at the intersection of Race Aly and Mill Street indicating that there are children in the area. Robert Zeigler made a motion to purchase an appropriate sign to be placed at the Mill Street and Race Aly intersection facing Mill Street, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion carried.

Committee and Mayor Reports

Duck Feeders – no update

Sewer Grant update:

Buchart Horn has reviewed and analyzed the treatment plant flow for the last 5-years (2017 through 2021) and have determined that the appropriately sized tank will be between 100,000 gallons and 150,000 gallons. The size can vary within that range depending on operation procedures. Until completing final design we have requested a budgetary quote from a tank supplier. This budget number will drive what items can be placed in the new process stream. Once Mr. Segurskey has the budget numbers, he will schedule a meeting with Justin and members of Council so we can discuss our path forward.

Penn St:

Project is moving forward, repairs to Elk Creek Bridge have been started to allow for a safe detour.

Park Rd. update- additional paving:

Contractors are beginning work and going through the submittal process. Notice to Proceed was be issued on April 18, 2022.

Today is day 22 of the 75-day contract.

Gutelius Excavating has proposed additional paving work be done to complete Park Road project. Currents plans for paving are from pool entrance to the current stoned road. Gutelius is proposing paving to the Park Road bridge while equipment is on site. Project estimate $10,000.00. Robert Zeigler made a motion to approve $10,000.00 from general fund to complete road paving, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion carried.

Dam weir and waterline update:

Currently progressing through DEP review. We are still within the normal review period.

This project adds a basket strainer at the water treatment plant along with providing a measuring and recording device at the dam to meet DEP’s requirement for the pass-by flow. We are adding the replacement of the water main from SR0445 to the dam to the design drawings and the permit application.

Anticipate Summer/Fall 2022 Construction.

Secretary’s Report

Planning office request:

Centre County planning office is trying to minimize resources and postage by requesting the elimination of plan copies being mailed to planning commissions and zoning officers. Council has agreed to the Planning office request.


Cecilia Gallup made a motion to pay invoice #11610 in the amount of $600.00 for Park Road Bridge Repair engineering services to Buchart Horn, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried.

Community work assistance:

Application for the work assistance program and guidelines were presented to council. Nickelaus Engle will work with Adam DeGarmo to complete and submit paperwork.

Equipment to sell:

The borough maintenance department and treatment plant operator have equipment that is no longer used but in working condition. Both departments are interested in selling the equipment. Council is agreeable to the sale and will research various ways of selling.

Robert Zeigler made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.


Denise Immel Secretary/Assistant Treasurer
