2021-10-12 Council Minutes



P.O.  BOX 421

                                                                                    MILLHEIM, PA 16854


PHONE (814)-349-5350       FAX (814)-349-5733


October 12, 2021

Robert Zeigler called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 PM. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Patty Beckenbaugh, Steve Myers and Katie Blume also in attendance Denise Immel Borough Secretary/Assistant Treasurer, Sherry Corman Treasurer/Assistant Secretary, Solicitor John Miller and John Segursky. Absent Beth Cowher and Mayor Lauralee Snyder

Citizens present: none

Citizens Input: none

Consent Agenda

Water/Sewer Report

The month of September brought 5.8 inches of rain affecting both the water and sewer plants. Additional chemicals were added at the water plant to alleviate issues. Other than the rain the water the plant is running as expected.

In preparation for the rain the membranes were cleaned the day before the storm hit. We did have to call in a bypass to DEP, because we did 248 thousand gallons in a 23 hour timeframe. Everything at the sewer plant is back to normal. Our second grinder pump is on site and ready to be installed as soon as the old blue pump clogs up.

Maintenance Report

The heavy rains brought some damage to the Borough. Plum Street washed stones down onto Rt. 45, we have used older cold patch to try and make this section nicer especially with the upcoming winter and anticipated plowing. The Borough building parking lot always washes out during rain storms, an easy fix by scraping washed out stones from bottom of hill and bringing back up to lot. Park Road presents a bigger problem, it has been repaired to the best of our abilities. Estimates have been requested to resurface the road with stone or pavement. Still waiting for appointments to be able to meet with contractors.

All concrete projects have been completed. We met with Jason Kozak and planted 22 bushes along the raceway to help with the raceway erosion. Unfortunately within a few days someone took it upon themselves and mowed over 15 of the plantings. The plants were marked with bright blue paint and very visible. Trees will be removed By Ben Haupt on October 26th and 27th.

Engineer’s Report

Penn Street Bridge Replacement

The General Permit application to DEP was submitted for the water main that is being replaces as part of the bridge replacement. Approval was received on September 28, 2011.

Park Road Rebid

The bidding documents have been revised and adjusted to scope after conversations with PennDot Municipal Services and are ready to advertise. Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to hold off the bidding advertisement until January 2022, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.

Screen Replacement Project

The finalization of the paper work for the DEP permit is being completed. Anticipating a winter bidding and a spring construction award.

Membrane Replacement

DCED has contacted Uni-Tec about an opportunity to receive funding through a program titled Economic Development and Community Development Initiatives. This is not a competitive program, meaning the funds could be available upon application. Uni-Tec will prepare and submit the application at no cost to Millheim Borough as most of the work has already been done. Steve Myers made a motion to pursue said funding, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.

Regional Planning

Discussion was held around regionalizing trash pickup as there are issues with riff raff collection, recycling and other issues. Mild interest was shown in this and mental health services.

Consent Agenda

Steve Myers made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented, seconded Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.

New Action Items

Resolution 2021-12

Katie Blume made a motion adopt Resolution 2021-12 authorizing the total of $7,000.00 be distributed to Penns Valley Emergency Medical Services to help cover operating expenses, $5,687.10 from the collected Local Services Tax and $1,312.90 from the General fund, seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried.

Uni-Tec Invoice

Steve Myers made a motion to pay invoice #1000046741 in the amount of $1,953.75 for engineering services in relation to the Penn Street water main relocation, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.

PSAB Membership

Steve Myers made a motion to pay invoice in the amount of $450.00 to PSAB for the PSAB plus Training subscription, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.

East Penns Valley Code Lease

Steve Myers made a motion to accept the lease agreement as presented and authorize Robert Zeigler to sign said lease as representative for the Borough, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried. Lease will be presented to East Penns Valley Code for their signature.

Solar Array/West Penn Credits

West Penn has a clause which has us forfeiting any extra generated electricity if we use a third party supplier. As we use Constellation as our supplier, we will either need to break our contract with Constellation, the breakage fee is $17,000.00 the contract with Constellation ends in 2023, add additional accounts to the solar array generated power or do nothing and lose the extra generated electricity. Katie Blume made a motion to add additional accounts starting with the largest to cover the extra generated electricity and ride out the Constellation agreement, seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried. Sherry Corman will work with Sel Edor to get additional accounts added.

Budget Discussion

Will adopt tentative budget with dental and vision at the November meeting.

Approval if Ed Carter Article Michelle Grove to assist

Katie Blume made a motion to authorize up to $500.00 for web page assistance and email enhancement, seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried.

Park Rd/Bridge update

Estimates are being requested to properly repair damages caused by severe storms and flooding. Additional information is in the  Engineer’s Report.

Penn St Bridge update

Information in Engineer’s report

Grant Related Topics

Recycling grant info turned in – Leslie will be forwarding billing

Liquid Fuels Grant

Will be used use for some road signs, painting one-way arrows for borough roads and rest of equipment costs relating to recycling grant.

Happy Valley Adventure Bureau grant report (Walkfest Grant) has been turned in.

Potential funding from DCED for Small Water and Sewer – Senator Corman’s office brought up our sewer expansion/membrane project to DCED. DCED has contacted Uni-Tec and advised them of the requirements and paperwork required to apply for funding.

PennDot Multimodal grant – pursue with Park Rd., 3 small bridges?

Low Volume-Pavement and Gravel grants – the application process for these grants will need started in January or February. We may be able to gather funding for an additional section of Park Road also possible additional funding for our 3 small bridge project.


Seventeen of twenty two dogwood bushes that were planted on the bank of the Raceway to help stop bank erosion have been mowed over. The bushes were planted on Borough right of way and the area around these bushes was marked with blue paint and the ground freshly dug. We are hoping the root systems were not damaged and will start growing in the spring to help prevent further bank erosion.

Commissioner Mike Pipe to visit

Commissioner Pipe along with other commissioners have been invited to visit the Borough to view the solar array and to look at the three small bridges we are seeking funding on. Date of visit is November 10, 2021.

Old Action Items

JSSB loan (commit to fixed rate?)

Steve Myers made a motion to have Jersey Shore and Mr. Miller pursue transitioning this loan to a fixed rate product for a fee of $2,500.00, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.

Frazier Street Addresses

At the September meeting Council approved address changes to 3 properties on Frazier Street, 911 coordinator has questioned our decision, Scott Long, Emergency Management coordinator for Millheim Borough and Beth Bartley our postmistress will be consulted. If they concur with our decision council will move forward with decision from the September meeting.

Support for Solar Co-Op

Will stand by September decision

Water/Dam grant update

Waiting on DEP

Human Relations Commission – delayed, pending attorney findings

Pollinator Update

As we are unable to gain cooperation for volunteers to facilitate planting Steve Myers made a motion to suspend the pollinator project and have our crew continue mowing the solar array, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.

HR Policies – no update

Secretary’s Report


Katie Blume made a motion to suspend the East Penns Valley Library donation for this year as we waived 6 months of rent in 2021, seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried.

Town Clock CD

Katie Blume made a motion to renew the Town Clock CD in the amount of $4,209.50 at prevailing rate, seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried.

Pension Obligation

We have received our 2021 State Aid in the amount of $9,983.00 and have sent it along with our contribution of $3,717.00 to PSAB.

Volunteer Fire Relief Association

We have received $3932.46 and forwarded to the Millheim Fire Company.

Water Fund

Steve Myers made a motion to transfer a year of payment ($13,237.20) from water fund checking to water project construction checking to cover PennVest loan auto withdrawals, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.

Gutelius Services

Penn Street and Frazier Street bills were reviewed.

E-Mail list

Katie Blume made a motion to keep an updated email list of borough residents to be used for announcements and notifications, seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried.

Steve Myers made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:48 PM.


Denise Immel Secretary/Assistant Treasurer
