2021-07-13 Council Minutes
P.O. BOX 421
PHONE (814)-349-5350 FAX (814)-349-5733
July 13, 2021
Robert Zeigler called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 PM. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Patty Beckenbaugh, Beth Cowher, Steve Myers and Katie Blume also in attendance Denise Immel Borough Secretary/Assistant Treasurer and Sherry Corman Treasurer/Assistant Secretary. Mayor Lauralee Snyder arrived at 7:20 PM.
Citizens present: Leslie Warriner and Nickelaus Engle
Citizens Input: none
Consent Agenda:
Employee Reports
Roy Rupert submitted a written report on both the Wastewater plant and the Filtration Plant. The wastewater plant is running smoothly, still maintaining non-detect test results with no outstanding issues. A-3 USA can provide a service tech to help when the membranes do need to be replaced. The grinder pump has been installed with no issues to date.
Wylands pump service recommends seeing if the pump at the well runs prior to being pulled. Breon’s will be scheduled to hook up their generator on site to test the pump.
Mr. Rupert expressed concerns with the Reservoir Road being used as access to the solar field. He recommends using the Smithtown Road access as we did when the property was logged to insure we maintain our water quality.
A written report was received from the maintenance crew. They have started the cold patching of local roads but have gotten somewhat delayed due to the high winds knocking down large limbs on the roads. They have repaired drain damage on Long Lane. They are also gathering quotes for several trees to be removed from Borough property. The insurance claims for the fire hydrants damaged on North Street and Penn Street have been received. The repairs should be complete within the next two weeks.
Katie Blume made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented, seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried.
New Action Items:
Survey results/interpretations
496 surveys were mailed there was also access thru Face Book and our web page. 76 residents responded and 5 nonresidents. The top 3 responses in all categories:
Recreation: Walking Trails, Multi Use Park, and Dog Park/Movie Theater tied for third,
Planning and Development: Junk Ordinance, Home Rehabilitation Program, Stream Buffers and Flood Mitigation,
Infrastructure: Millheim Race Repair, Additional Parking, Bridge Repairs,
Borough Property and Insurance, Traffic Light Area, Repair Town Clock, Fire Escrow Account,
Health and Safety: Pedestrian Crosswalks, Parking on Penn, Water Service,
Tourism and Business Revitalization: Borough Anniversary, Historic Signage, Trail Participation.
EMS Update (audit costs, Walkfest support):
EMS continues to look for ways to reduce their operating costs, their efforts have provided them with free internet service supplied by Atlantic Broadband. A suggestion was made to bill each municipality by per capita to cover the expense of the audit. They suppled medical coverage at the Walkfest on Saturday, possible donation from EPVCBA or Borough for coverage.
Interviews for new full time employee (readjust pay structure after hire):
Robert Zeigler and Justin Kerstetter will be conducting interviews on Wednesday the 14th. Three candidates are scheduled if none of these meet requirements additional interviews will be scheduled or additional advertising placed.
Internship program (set up with Penn State):
Mr. Zeigler is in discussions with Penn State University on acquiring an intern for the spring of 2022. An intern who puts in 45 hours receives 3 credits and has a salary match from PSU. Deadline for submission is October 2021.
Junior Council person (pursue with Penns Valley School District):
Discussion was held about having a Junior or Senior work with the 7 municipalities to provide input at meetings but no voting rights.
Aftermath of WalkFest: seemed well received
Happy Valley Adventure Bureau Grants:
Katie Blume made a motion to open a new checking account to house the HVAB grant funds, with 2 signatures required on withdrawals and having the council president, mayor, Borough secretary and Borough treasurer as authorized signers, seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion carried. Borough treasurer will obtain proper paperwork.
Beth Cowher made a motion to transfer the grant of $5,000.00 to EPVCBA upon receipt from HVAB to help cover the Walkfest event, seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried.
Mental Health in Penns Valley (progress, updates):
Centre County government is applying for grants to help address the need for American Rescue Act funds may also be used to address this need.
Bidding on dam weir and raw water filter project:
Uni-Tec is finalizing and submitting to DEP for permits. Based on review times bidding for this project should take place in January 2022 and construction to start as soon as the weather breaks for spring.
Grants to work on:
3 small bridges (DCED multimodal again, dirt/gravel)
Park Road (PennDot multimodal, dirt/gravel)
Water (pipeline from narrows to the reservoir)
Sewer (make it easier to expand plant, replace membranes)
Recreation (set biking/hiking trail system beginning next year)
Potential fall HVAB grant round (tourism business-oriented ideas)
Vacation Payout:
Mr. Kerstetter has reached the maximum carry over for vacation days. With the training process taking place over the last several months he has been unable to take vacation time, rather than loose the time he has requested a 60 day payout. In lieu of a payout Robert Zeigler made a motion to increase vacation carry over for full time employees for 120 hours to 160 hours and part time employees from 60 hours to 80 hours, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Millheim Pool:
Leslie Warriner stated that the pool is under the ownership of the Millheim Lions Club, and that there are concerns about the stability of the pool. Would the Borough consider purchasing the pool to insure the continued operation? Possibly form a Parks and Rec Committee? Katie Blume stated she will reach out to Lions Club on possible interest of selling and Beth Cowher requested members of the Lions Club be present at our next meeting.
Old Action Items:
Human Relations Commission – Ordinance/participation discussion
As many questions were asked with no answers available, council members requested Mr. Zeigler to have a representative from the commission attend the August meeting to address our concerns.
SR 2011 – table to August meeting
Pollinator Update: still trying to coordinate volunteers
3 Small Bridges update: may be able to use dirt/gravel grant and low traffic pavement grants
Flood Mitigation/addressing erosion update (County Conversation District Meeting):
A meeting was held with Justin Kozak and Jim Coslo with the following recommendations:
New bridges with better flow underneath are great (for all parties, especially DEP and Fish and Game) and can get funded in different ways.
Shrub/plant plan nearby the parking lot to limit erosion and provide a natural barrier into the race and improve the aesthetic. The cost to get these plants in the spring will be zero. This gives us time to communicate with nearby residents to see if they want to be involved. This also requires no permits.
Clearing debris, getting the wall stones out of the creek (and putting them back), other potential barriers are fine, no permitting needed.
Parking lot is a potential water flow issue that can wait to be addressed.
Secretary’s Report:
Speed Limit Signs:
Beth Cowher made a motion to move the existing radar signs from East and West Streets to North Street and Penn Street, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Beth Cowher made a motion to share any and all information obtained from the radar signs with the PA State Police, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Rescind Ordinance 2020-16: this is a resolution not an ordinance, Beth Cowher made a motion to Rescind Resolution 2020-16, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Sensus Services Agreement:
Steve Myers made a motion to extend the auto read software support program with Sensus in the amount of $1,715.95, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
The Borough has spent over $3,000.00 pulling the old Goulds pump at the sewer plant. Based on this information, the information from the employee’s reports and the recommendation of Mr. Kerstetter Beth Cowher made a motion to purchase an additional grinder pump, to replace the old Goulds pump, from OPSCO in the amount of $6,733.00 seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Beth Cowher made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 PM.
Denise Immel, Borough Secretary/Assistant Treasurer