2020-10-13 Council minutes



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October 13, 2020

Robert Zeigler called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 7:00 PM. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Katie Blume, Patty Beckenbaugh, Steve Myers and Beth Cowher. Also, in attendance Mayor Lauralee Snyder, Solicitor John Miller and Denise Immel Borough Secretary/Assistant Treasurer Secretary and Sherry Corman Borough Treasurer/Assistant Secretary.

Citizens Present: Lt. Steve Daniel PSP and Nichelaus Engle

Citizens Input:

Lt. Daniel has been visiting local boroughs and townships seeking input on issues that council persons and township supervisors are concerned about. Issues that were brought up by council included speeding within the borough limits as well as vehicles running the red light. Also the concern on the drug usage and trafficking taking place within the borough and the safety of our children. Lt. Daniel has requested that council and residents be encouraged to call and report any incidents, this can be done anomalously. Results are much better when the public gets involved. The crimes reported and investigated is low with in the Borough, Lt. Daniel is hoping to keep it that way.

Consent Agenda:

We are seeking three (3) bids to renovate the first floor room that is currently being used for storage.

Pattie Beckenbaugh reported that the duck feeders will cost around $137.00 apiece and will require some form of shelter to protect them from the elements. Investigating id this could a scout project.

Steve Myers made a motion to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.

New Action Items:

COVID-19 Related Updates:

The borough has received various PPE supplies from Centre County Government for disbursement to business with in the Penns Valley Area.

Sherry Corman presented council with a report on COVID-19 expenses that can be submitted to Centre County Government for reimbursement. Discussion was held on purchasing an air filtration system for the Borough building using funds remaining from the county grant. Beth Cowher will inquire into cost.

Land Lease Agreement/Solar Update:

BAI Group has enacted an extension on the solar field and has paid the Borough in full. The Borough has received our first Solar Electric bill. As the electricity generated is to benefit the sewer plant, water filtration plant and the borough building discussion was held on how this bill should be divided. Katie Blume made a motion to divide this bill and all future bills be divided 85% from sewage account, 10% from general account and 5% from water account, seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion carried.  The Treasurer will assess the West Penn bills and report to council if any adjustments are needed.

Pollinator/Solar at Sewer:

Ernst seeds has still not given a response and we are having trouble finding a local source for the seed mix. The early frost has delayed the possibility of planting this fall we will continue to look for seed sources and plan on planting in the spring.

Fire Tax Resolution:

Beth Cowher made a motion to approve Resolution 2020-18 authorizing the expenditure of $4,271.12 from the funds collected by the Borough from the Fire Tax to the Millheim Fire Company for truck loan payments, workers compensation insurance and audit expenses, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.

EMS Donation/LST Resolution:

Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to approve Resolution 2020-19 authorizing the expenditure of $7,000.00 to the Penns Valley EMS for Borough’s contribution for 2020 with $5,336.95 coming from LST and $1,663.05 coming from the Borough’s general fund, seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried.

Atlantic Broadband:

Atlantic Broadband is currently being held up at Harry John’s state forest, DCNR is requesting additional paperwork regarding proper ownership on various poles. The company still expects to have broadband available by the end of the year. Upon completion of this phase Atlantic Broadband will loook to expand into Gregg Township.

Water Grant:

The Borough has signed all current documentation and acceptance.

Alert Business of PPE from Centre County:

Businesses may pick up PPE supplies at the Borough building during normal business hours. All supplies must be documented and signed for. Any remaining PPE supplies will be returned to the county on December 31, 2020.

Old Action Items:


Mandatory for all council members.

Secretaries Report:

Town Clock CD:

The Town Clock CD matures on November 02, 2020 no funds are needed at this time. Steve Myers made a motion to allow the CD to rollover at the prevailing rate on November 02, 2020, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.

Union Cemetery Trees:

The Borough has received an offer to remove the dead cedar trees at Union Cemetery, the offer is to remove the trees at a cost and the requestor gets to keep the wood from the trees. The Borough will look into the condition of the trees and assess if removal is necessary.

Hold Harmless Agreement:

A Hold Harmless Agreement was presented by Solicitor Miller for the use of Borough Property on Center Street, after much discussion on liability issues as well as safety concerns Steve Myers made a motion to deny the request for use of the Borough property on Center Street, seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion carried. Denise Immel will email resident explaining the denial.

Trees at Ballpark:

A large branch has broken off a tree and damaged some fencing, our maintenance crew has removed the branch and will repair the fencing. As many of these trees have dead limbs should we pursue trimming or removal?

Sick Time for Part Time employees:

Robert Zeigler explained an oversight when the new HR policies where revised. As part of the Benefits to part time employees sick leave was to have been included. He will revise the existing Benefits page and present to council at the next meeting.

Staff Meetings:

Staff members have approached Robert Zeigler about holding monthly meeting. Meeting will be held the Thursday before our second monthly council meeting beginning at 9:00 AM in the council room. Only two council members may be in attendance.

Committee Appointments:

As the 2020 year draws to an end, please consider which committee you would like to head for the year 2021.

Robert Zeigler made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.


Denise Immel Secretary/Assistant Treasurer
