2020-09-08 Council Minutes



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September 08, 2020

Robert Zeigler called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 7:00 PM. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Katie Blume, Patty Beckenbaugh and Beth Cowher. Also, in attendance Mayor Lauralee Snyder, Solicitor John Miller and Denise Immel Borough Secretary/Assistant Treasurer Secretary. Absent Steve Myers.

Citizens Present: Stephanie Hettinger, PVPRA

Citizens Input:

Ms. Hettinger reported that PVPRA has used the down time presented by COVID-19 wisely. Board members and volunteers have taken this time to install a lift chair at the pool, concreted a pavilion and finished up an electrical project for the pool. Ms. Hettinger also stated that about 30% of all pool memberships come from residents within the Borough. 

A letter was presented to all council members requesting council budget a monetary donation for 2021.

Consent Agenda:

A motion was made by Katie Blume to approve the consent agenda as presented, seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion carried.

New Action Items:

COVID-19 Related Updates:

Discussion was held on how to best use the COVID-19 County Relief Block Funds. Council members will review guidelines for usage and continue discussions.

Set Date for Halloween:

Beth Cowher made a motion to hold Halloween on Saturday October 31, 2020 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, all CDC guidelines to be followed, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.

Land Lease Agreement for Solar:

A revised Land Lease Agreement has been received from BAI Group, LLC, addressing the concerns presented by Solicitor Miller, after further review additional questions regarding insurance and term were discussed. Solicitor Miller will address concerns with BAI representative Sel Edor.

Pollinator/Solar at Sewer:

Cost of the pollinator will be $1,000.00, as per motion at the August 21, 2020 meeting a new invoice will be requested reflecting the pollinator costs. Invoice for $49,000.00 will be paid upon receipt.

Burn Ban/Drought Warning

No burn band or drought warning will be issued at this time. Notices will be placed on our web page and Facebook page stating if conditions worsen council will readdress the warnings.

Water/Sewer Disconnect:

Solicitor Miller will review the ordinances and advise.

Old Action Items:

Budget Meetings:

Beth Cowher made a motion to hold budget meetings on: September 16, 2020 beginning at 6:00 PM, September 18, 2020 beginning at 8:30 AM, September 23, 2020 beginning at 7:00 PM, September 30, 2020 beginning at 6:00 PM, October 07, 2020 beginning at 6:00 PM and if needed October 14, 2020 beginning at 6:00 PM, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried. Meeting dates, times and location will posted in the Centre Daily on Sunday, September 13, 2020.

Fire Tax Request: no updates

Grant for Screen, Building and Dam:

Katie Blume made a motion authorizing Denise Immel to sign the Pa Small Water and Sewer Program Agreement in the amount of $106,000.00, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.

NIMS: no updates

Secretary’s Report:

A letter has been received from DEP advising us that Centre County has been placed on a drought watch.

We have received a payment request from Uni-Tec in the amount of $3,950.00 for partial payment of engineering fees for Park Road Bridge. Beth Cowher made a motion to pay the invoice in the amount of $3,950.00, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Patty Beckenbaugh to pay the 2020 budgeted amounts of $250.00 each as donations to East Penns Valley Library and Penns Valley Park and Recreation, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.

Beth Cowher made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.


Denise Immel Secretary/Assistant Treasurer
