Regular Meeting- September 10, 2019



P.O. BOX 421



                                   PHONE (814) 349-5350                                   FAX (814) 349-5733


September 10, 2019

President Alan Ilgen called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 7:00 PM. Council members in attendance: Al Ilgen, Robert Zeigler, Stephen Myers, Beth Cowher, Patty Beckenbaugh and Mayor Lauralee Snyder also in attendance Solicitor John Miller and Treasurer/Assistant Secretary Lisa Farwell.  Attending from Atlantic Broadband: Fran Bradley and Rich Fultz.

Citizens present: David Sprowls, Marley Parish, Robert Miller, Warren Sasserman, Lindsay Covalt, Aaron Covalt, Keri Miller, Paul Gibbons, Cody Wilson, Brian Griffith, Dave Sprowls, Randall Montgomery, Alice Montgomery, Mark Long, Liz Lose, Ray Stollins, Sel Edor, Karen Yanak, Laura Gibbons, Phil Yanak, Chris Exarchos, Holly Hawkins, Earl Leedy, Tim Orndors, Dale Neff, Andy Pisano, Leslie Warriner, Matt Wise, Russ Burkholder, Kerry Benninghoff and Kurt Grotz.

Citizens Input: None

New Action Items:

Atlantic Broadband presentation. Questions from citizen’s present answered by Fran Bradley and Rich Fultz.

Ilgen sewer line extension. Planning module component 3 and resolution. A motion was made by Steve Myers seconded by Beth Cowher for Denise Immel to sign the planning module. Motion carried. Resolution – A motion was made by Beth Cowher seconded by Steve Myers for Robert Zeigler to sign the resolution. Motion carried.

Kissinger Group subdivision letters. Recommendation by the Planning Commission was reviewed and a motion to send the amended comments was made by Beth Cowher and seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion carried. Council discussed a planning waiver/non-building waiver and a motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to have further testing done. Motion carried.

June financial reports were submitted by the Treasurer, Lisa Farwell.

Secretary’s Report:

Howard Fire Company is requesting fire police assistance for traffic control and parking at the HFC Punkin Chunkin Fall Festival, Saturday October 12th, 2019 from 10am-5pm.  A motion to approve the request was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion carried.

Lisa Farwell, Treasurer is requesting some additional QuickBooks training through Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP. A motion was made to approve the request at a cost not to exceed $500 by Beth Cowher seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried.

Council went into Executive session to discuss personnel issues at 10pm and ended at 10:30pm.

A motion was made by Beth Cowher seconded by Robert Zeigler to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at PM.


Lisa Farwell  Treasurer/Assistant Secretary
