Regular Meeting – June 11, 2019
P.O. BOX 421
PHONE (814) 349-5350 FAX (814) 349-5733
June 11, 2019
President Al Ilgen called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 7:02 PM. Council members in attendance: Al Ilgen, Robert Zeigler, Stephen Myers, Mayor Lauralee Snyder and Secretary/ Assistant Treasurer Denise Immel. Absent Patty Beckenbaugh and Beth Cowher.
Citizens present: Jennifer Cain, Travis Walker, Megan Stitzer, Mimi Owen and David Sprowls.
Citizens Input:
Mimi Owen requested tennis courts be made available to the residents of Millheim, she proposed refurbishing the existing courts at Soldier and Sailor Memorial Park and having a low fence installed surrounding the courts to prevent it being uses as a parking lot. Ms. Owen was referred to Colleen Swetland who is a contact person for the Lions Club, who owns and maintains Solder and Sailor Memorial Park. Ms. Owen inquired to the status of the lot on Center Street that is owned by the Borough. The Center Street lot was put out on bids, at that time no bids were received. Sale of the lot would need to be advertised and put out for bids, anyone or any organization can place a bid.
The question of whether or not the ballfields on the Borough Office property were available for public use. Answer – yes they are open to the public and can be used any time the local Little Leagues are not using for games or practice.
Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission Reports:
The Code Enforcement report was reviewed with no questions or comments. No reports from HARB or the Planning Commission.
Employee Reports:
Justin Kerstetter – The high winds in May have brought trees down on Park Road and the dump road that had to be removed, a resident called about storm damage was asked to let Mr. Kerstetter when the limbs were curbside he will than take chipper out and take care of limbs. The cold patch has been delivered and the crew will soon begin patching roads. Trevor Benner has been doing a great job mowing and weed eating around the Borough, will try to work him in to some day time hours to get him used to the residents and the town.
New Action Items:
The Engineers report was submitted for council review. Uni-Tec is still waiting on a reply from G&R
about the completion of the punch list.
Uni-Tec has begun the application for our NPDES permit renewal, they have forwarded the testing information to plant operator for him to complete. Submission deadline June 30, 2019.
A motion was made by Steve Myers seconded by Robert Zeigler to approve payment to Commonwealth of PA (DEP) for the Safe Drinking Water Annual Fee of $1,000.00. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Steve Myers to approve and pay Uni-Tec invoices for May 2019 in the amount of $5,234.00. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Steve Myers to approve and pay PennDot inspection fees for 04/21/19 to 04/25/19 in the amount of $1,176.96. Motion carried.
Gutelius Water Line Estimates:
The proposal from Dave Gutelius, Inc. for installation and repairs was reviewed by council. The short side water service to the Stein property on Frazier Street has been completed. The long line on Frazier Street has been placed on hold until property is developed and a line is requested. Repair of leaking fire hydrant is on hold until PA Rural Water is in the area to help assess the location of leak if any, as maintenance temporally shut off water to hydrant and when connection was reestablished no leak could be detected.
DEP Water Allocation Permit:
Our Water Allocation Permit has been approved with the following restrictions and recommendations. Maximum withdraw form Elk Creek 180,000 gpd and 160,000 gpd from Phillips Creek but no more than 180,000 per day combined. Passby flow on Phillips Creek measured daily must be 0.54 cubic feet per second (350,000 gallons per day). Design and permit the passby flow measuring device. Develop a Drought Contingency Plan and a Water Conservation Plan.
US Census Bureau request: deferred to County
HAMA Update: no report
Rockview Community Work Program:
A representative from the program will come and evaluate possible tasks. Time available for inmates to do work is two (2) weeks before Labor Day. Possible work that could be performed include Race clean out/clean up, clean up and weed pulling at Borough Park. It was suggested that we look into a beautification week possibly the week before Memorial Day for next year (2020) and have Rockview assist in projects.
Old Action Items:
Confer Alley/Gramley Avenue follow up:
Both Confer Alley and Gramley Alley are ordained per Ordinance #35 dated 09/29/1924. Per documentation in Prothonotary’s Office, Gramley Alley is ordained to Pine Street but is currently unopened, no documentation on Confer Alley could be located in Prothonotary’s Office. As an ordained and open alley the Borough will maintain Confer Alley. President Ilgen will speak with maintenance and instruct to repair and maintain Confer Alley.
Checking Account Transfers and Matured CD:
Transfers were completed as approved at the May 14th meeting. A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Steve Myers to move the Downtown Beautification Fund CD in the amount of $8,391.00 to a 12 month CD at a rate of 0.40% and to allow the HCC Fund CD to roll. Motion carried.
G&R Excavating/Repairs: waiting on invoice
Street Paving Project:
Glenn O. Hawbaker has been notified that they are the winning bidder. Hawbaker’s will notify us of start date.
Spike’s Community Day – August 9 no report
Restore PA:
Ted Martin, Deputy Director of PA Department of Community & Economic Development or a representative did not return phone message asking for someone to attend Council meeting to answer questions.
Klunk Easement:
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Steve Myers to approve President Ilgen signing the release for the 2018 easement as the boring did not take place. Motion carried.
Three Year Planning Considerations:
A question was presented on the status of the well located on Borough property on the side of the maintenance shed. The well is located near a sink hole which presents surface water contamination of the well water. Electricity has been disconnected. Council members are interested in the costs that may be involved in having electricity restored and testing performed to see if well could be used as a backup water supply. Deferred to Uni-Tec.
Radar Speed Control Signs:
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Steve Myers to purchase two (2) Evolution 12 Solar-Full Matrix with solar panel and battery thru Traffic Logix. Motion carried.
Office Reorganization:
Denise and Lisa to coordinate dates.
Committee and Mayor’s Report: no reports
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Steve Myers to approve the May 14, 2019 minutes with spelling corrections and Mr. Manass to Mr. Monast Hostettler. Motion carried.
May Financial Report was reviewed with no action.
Secretary’s Report:
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Steve Myers to have Denise Immel establish online business banking with First National Bank credit card to be able to increase and decrease card limits if needed by employees to complete transactions. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Steve Myers to approve the request of the Harriet Benfer Estate executrix to close Race Street beside 131 East Main Street on July 12, 2019 and July 13, 2019 for safety during public sale. Motion carried.
Tel-Power, Inc. performed yearly inspection on our traffic signal on May 13, 2019. They replaced one push button assembly and noted a broken loop sensor on side street (North Street). Delayed replacement until confirmation is received from Penn Dot if any paving may be performed. Invoice presented for council review.
Citizens Input: none
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Steve Myers to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:11 PM
Denise Immel Secretary/Assistant Treasurer