
Winter Weather

With the crazy temperatures and weather that we are experiencing please bear in mind that our crew is doing the best they can to treat the roads and alleys. Our crew will be out this evening to remove snow from Main Street please have your vehicles removed by 7:00 PM. Please remember to have your sidewalks cleared within 24 hours after the snow event. We appreciate you helping us so that we can serve you better.

Thank You!

East Penns Valley Library

The East Penns Valley Library needs your help!  Our Friends board is in need of new members, as we have had recent resignations. Board member responsibilities include:  attending monthly meetings (in-person and social distanced or via phone); helping with fundraisers as available; officer responsibilities if elected to a position. Our library will be UNABLE to continue without a full board to oversee the day-to-day operations. If you would like to join the board or would like additional information please contact the East Penns Valley Libray at epvlfriends@gmail.com.

Atlantic Broadband


Looks like Spring of 2021

The biggest hold up is the delivery of the Hub Site building and the related electronic equipment that goes inside the building which will be located in the corner of the Fire Department’s parking lot. Many of the items that come from other countries have been delayed for obvious reasons. 
A good bit of the fiber to make the tie back to the Mifflinburg system is completed or just about complete. You should start to see crews within the neighborhoods running the balance soon, if they haven’t already started doing so. 

Winter Maintenance

Millheim Borough discourages overnight parking on Main Street. During the winter months vehicles must be removed from Main Street anytime we receive more than 3 or more inches of snow. Maintenance crews will be out during the overnight hours to remove snow from the street. If a vehicle is parked on Main Street at these times said vehicle may receive a fine as well as face being plowed in.

Budget Meetings

The Millheim Borough Council has concluded discussions on the budgets for 2021, therefore the budget meetings scheduled for October 07, 2020 and October 14, 2020 have bee cancelled.

Exposure to SARS CoV-2 Infection

Centre County leaders, in partnership with researchers at Penn State, want to better understand the impact of the coronavirus on residents’ lives and livelihoods, and also on their exposure to SARS CoV-2 infection. The Data4Action Team is currently enrolling Centre County residents (18 years and older) into a study. If selected, participants will receive free SARS CoV-2 antibody testing (at no cost) several times during the year.  Results will be provided to participants. If you are interested in learning more, complete a 10-minute survey, and provide contact information at the end. Complete it online at:www.data4action.psu.edu  or by phone toll-free at 814-753-4799

Help Keep Millheim Beautiful

Residents please take pride in your home by taking care of your lawn and sidewalk. As a reminder you are responsible for the care and upkeep of the sidewalks around your residence, including removing weeds growing thru any and all cracks and mowing any lawn between your sidewalk and the roadway.

Census 2020

The U.S. Census only happens once every 10 years, but census data is used every day to shape our future. Millheim Borough relies upon federal funding and grants for many projects and initiatives in our community, which are allocated based on Census data. Our Borough must be accurately represented, and we need everyone’s help in ensuring a complete count.

The Census has consequences that all Borough residents will live with for the next 10 years. For every person missed, it costs our local governments $1,600.

You can help ensure everyone is counted by filling in the 2020 Census form. It will be a short set of questions about the number of people living in your household, their ages, race, and ethnicity. It’s critical that you fill out your form because your response will determine Millheim Borough’s population and federal benefits for the next decade.

The Census Affects National Emergencies, like COVID-1

If you want Millheim Borough to get its fair share of federal funds and recover from an economic disaster, it’s important to fill out the census. An accurate census count will be crucial for public health officials going forward.

Did you know that Census data helps first responders by:

  • Identifying where and how much help is needed
  • Determining the distribution of resources for public health systems
  • Determining policy and budget decisions
  • Receiving federal funding. The Census is the baseline for policy and budgeting for the allocation of public benefits and health programs, such as Medicaid and Medicare.

An inaccurate census could limit first responder’s ability to:

  • Understand the spread of the virus
  • Identify what groups were most affected by it
  • Assist researchers in finding ways to stop future viruses from spreading

Take the Census at: my2020census.gov or call 844-330-2020