Stream Signage
On September 20, 2001, the Millheim Borough Council made application to the Susquehanna River Basin Commission for the stream signage program. The Commission accepted applications from municipalities, watershed organizations, schools and civic organizations (such as scouts, 4-H, key clubs, etc.) that were interested in placing stream identification signs. These signs were to be placed immediately before bridges of state-owned roads. The Susquehanna River Basin Commission funded the production and installation of the stream identification signs within the Pennsylvania portion of the Susquehanna River Basin through a reimbursement program.
On January 31, 2002, the Borough was approved as a recipient of this stream identification reimbursement program. Within the Millheim Borough boundaries, the only stream crossing is the bridge on Route 45 that crosses over Elk Creek. The two signs provided as part of this program were installed on the east and west sides of the bridge by the Borough on June 17, 2002.
As you travel through town, please stop and take a few minutes to notice the signs, enjoy the view of Elk Creek, and take advantage of the cool breeze on a hot summer day. If time permits, you may want to follow Elk Creek as it flows toward Coburn or travel north on Route 445 and view the sights as it wends its way through the Millheim Narrows.
If you are interested in more information on the Susquehanna River Basin Commission click on the link provided below.