Regular Meeting – November 13, 2018
P.O. BOX 421
PHONE (814) 349-5350 FAX (814) 349-5733
NOVEMBER 13, 2018
President Al Ilgen called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 7PM. Council member in attendance: Al Ilgen, Ed Bowman, Robert Zeigler, Beth Cowher, Patty Beckenbaugh, Denise Immel and Solicitor John Miller. Mayor Lauralee Snyder arrived at 7:38PM. Also in attendance Ashley Vaughn, Jimmy West representing Penns Valley Little League, Lisa Riveria and Lisa Shaffer representing East Penns Valley Library, Kent Knisley, Erin Eminhizer, Larry Schreckengast, Leslie Warriner and John Segursky representing Uni-Tec.
Citizens Input:
Leslie Warriner and Kent Knisely spoke on installing a free library to promote literacy in Penns Valley. Dr. Knisley suggested the Fountain Park area as an ideal location and stated that he would probably be the steward to maintain the free library. They realize this is probably a spring project but wanted to present to council for consideration and to have time to review with code and planning. Mr. Ilgen asked the representatives from the library if this presented any conflict. Their only concern was that of library books being returned to the free library and not to them. Representatives suggested a prominent notice be placed stating that this is not a drop off point for library books. Representatives also stated other area in Centre County run free libraries and public libraries with success. President Ilgen agreed this was a spring project and that council would consider the proposal.
Kent Knisely of 130 East Main Street also expressed concerns of traffic regularly exceeding speed limits in and out of town, especially the commercial traffic Monday thru Friday. Not only does this effect the quality of life in the borough but also is a safety concern. He presented two solutions to council. The first and probably the most viable is speed boards be installed to alert drivers of their current speed. Studies have been done that prove drivers do slow down when the speed signs are used. Second solution would be to hire or lease police to monitor the borough. Thru Mr. Knisley’s research he discovered that another community has used fracking funds to hire police officer to patrol the neighborhood. President Ilgen explained that police, either to hire or lease is an additional expense and that the Borough receives very little fracking money and these would not offset that expense. President Ilgen also stated that council was already exploring the use of liquid fuel funds to purchasing speed signs to be installed on both ends of Main Street as well as Penn and North Streets.
Mr. Knisely also brought to the attention of council his intention to improve the front porch of his residence at 130 East Main Street. President Ilgen acknowledged that a meeting has been scheduled with HARB to review his plans.
Erin Eminhizer, represented her mother at 149 Park Road. Mrs. Eminhizer is looking into subdividing her acreage, they are looking for guidance in how is the best way to proceed. Code stated to speak to council on water and sewer options. President Ilgen believes that at this time sewer lines are not extended to 140 Park Road. John Segursky suggested two options, one to have on lot sewer, two is to pay to have the sewer line extended to property. Solicitor John Miller recommended hiring an engineer to advise the Eminhizers of proper lot sizes. Leslie Warriner also suggested the Eminhizers contact Chris Schnure of Centre County Planning.
Larry Shreckengast of 164 Park Road stated last year or two years ago he stoned the road in front of his residence, the Borough employees use this road as an access to the water plant and travel it more the he does. He had requested reimbursement and was denied but was told before doing additional work he was to make the Borough aware. The road is once again in need of some repair. President Ilgen asked Mr. Shreckengast to contact Justin Kerstetter in the spring before he starts to do repairs.
Leslie Warriner commended the Borough maintenance crew on the brush and leaf collection and thanked the council for providing this service.
Jimmy West, President of Penns Valley Little League stated the league has been exploring various options with boroughs and townships, they want to make sure they are not overstepping bounds when it come the fields at the Borough. The league has expressed that they do not feel the fields are being properly maintained and would like to see the Borough mow the infields more often. The league would like to have improvements made to the fields. The league was wondering about donating the mowing since this is borough property also contribute to the cost of top soil and field mix. President Ilgen suggested the league present a proposal to council for consideration at a meeting early next year.
Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission Reports:
Reports are included in council packets along with the approved Code budget. President Ilgen reported that the code department is in demand, they have been approached by other municipalities to do work and may be expanding. Although we are required to budget $4000 to support Penns Valley Code, they are now self-sustaining.
Employee Reports:
Maintenance Report is included in council packets.
New Action Items:
Lisa Rivera and Lisa Shaffer of the East Penns Valley Library expressed concerns about the access to the Borough building in order for the volunteers to be able to access the library. They recommended a lock box be installed to hold a Borough Office key for use by their volunteers. The library has been given a lock box to be used to hold a key for the library door. Council expressed concerns with the large number of volunteers having access to the Borough Building keys via a lock box. Instead of a lock box the Borough will establish a phone list to be distributed to volunteers to be used in the event the building needs to be unlocked.
Leslie Warriner reported on the inspection of the Park Road Bridge. All local bridges over 20 feet need to be inspected at least every two years. The Park Road Bridge has never been inspected, the Borough will be responsible for the cost of the inspection can range from $1,800 to $2,000. Cost of the inspection can come from liquid fuel funds. If repairs are needed there are funds available thru the county to help with costs.
John Segursky updated council on the waterline project. Report is in council packets. All pipe installation is complete except for the crossing of the storm culvert. We have received approval to extend the paving base repair until November 24, 2018 provided paving conditions can be met. Work remaining is to join the two sections at the culvert, final interconnects to the existing water mains, pressure testing of the new pipe installation and paving. G&R Charles as submitted a pay application in the amount of $76,158.00. Beth Cowher made a motion seconded by Ed Bowman for President Ilgen to sign the pay request for G&R Charles in the amount of $76,185.00. Motion carried.
Mr. Segursky stated that the contractor may need to mill rock from the bank and that these milling may be used to repair Park Road by Mr. Shreckengast property.
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler, seconded by Ed Bowman to approve and pay Uni-Tec invoice in the amount of $14,869.75. Motion carried.
President Ilgen and Justin Kerstetter met with Matt Knepp and toured various roads in the Borough to review possible projects for liquid fuels application. A motion was made by Robert Zeigler, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to submit 3 liquid fuels applications one to pave Locust Street, Walnut Street, and South Street, second to purchase four speed boards and third to purchase stop blocks. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Ed Bowman seconded by Robert Zeigler to pay two invoices to Penn Dot inspectors for the Penns Street bridge one for $2142.14 second for $2,341.70. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler, seconded by Ed Bowman to approve Resolution 2018-7. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to approve the signing of the Agreement with Centre Tax Agency to collect the Local Service Tax. Motion carried.
A final review of the proposed was held with no changes. A motion was made by Ed Bowman, seconded by Beth Cowher to approve and advertise the 2019 proposed budget. Motion carried.
Penn Street Bridge update. A copy of report is in council packet, includes an estimate of $2,117,088.00 for bridge replacement over Mill Race.
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler, seconded by Ed Bowman to pay the 2019 Solvency fee to Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Fund in the amount of $210.82. Motion carried.
President Ilgen reported that DEP will be increasing fees on water permitting, we have budgeted based on the increase to $1,000.00.
Old Action Items:
Code office is requesting section 6 be changed from lessee to lessor also Section F from lessor to lessee. Library lease to change section 3 to $520.00 monthly rent. Solicitor Miller will make changes and present updated leases at the December meeting for approval.
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler and seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to increase internet speed to 7M at 49.99 a month with a two year contract and keep the phone lines thru AT&T. Motion carried.
Robert Zeigler will forward sign on information the website designed by Michelle Grove. Will request a proposal from Ms. Grove and ask her to attend our December meeting.
Committee and Mayor’s Report:
Nothing to report.
A motion was made by Ed Bowman, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to approve the financial reports with the update on Town Clock. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Ed Bowman, seconded by Robert Zeigler to approve the minutes for October 3rd, October 9th, and November 1st, also to approve with correction of the spelling from Ziegler to Zeigler on the October 22nd minutes. Motioned carried.
Secretary/Treasurer Tracy Leitzel is working with a CPA to learn QuickBooks at a cost of 40.00 per hour. A motion was made by Ed Bowman, seconded by Robert Zeigler to allot 20 additional hours for training in QuickBooks. Motion carried. If additional hours are required Ms. Leitzel and Ms. Immel will present request to council.
Jolene Hineman of West Penn Power emailed a request for the Borough to purchase a Centre County United Way Banner for $75.00. Deadline to purchase is January 2019. Council to review.
Regional Planning Committee meeting will be held November 19, 2018 at 7:00PM
Next council meeting will be held December 11, 2018.
A motion was made by Ed Bowman, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:23PM.
Denise Immel, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer