Regular Meeting – December 11, 2018



P.O. BOX 421



                                   PHONE (814) 349-5350                                   FAX (814) 349-5733


December 11, 2018

President Al Ilgen called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 7PM. Council members in attendance: Al Ilgen, Ed Bowman, Robert Zeigler, Beth Cowher, Patty Beckenbaugh, Mayor Lauralee Snyder, Denise Immel and Solicitor John Miller. Also in attendance Roger Mays, representing Uni-Tec. Michelle Grove and Andy Pisano.

Citizens Input:   None

Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission:

Reports are included in council packets, reviewed with no questions.

Employee Reports:

Maintenance report is included in council packet, reviewed with no questions.

New Actions Items:

Michelle Grove spoke on the proposed new web page she is designing for the Millheim Borough. Her goal is to have an updated web site that will work for the Borough. She will move the files and data base and train staff on how to use/update. Recommends we purchase the licensing of the theme so we can update as needed.  Her charges will be $200.00 and $25.00 at hour is additional assistance is needed. She will need passwords to our host account and our domain account to be able to complete the transition. A motion made by Ed Bowman seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to accept Ms. Grove proposal to update our web page. Motion carried.

Roger May from Uni-Tec update council on the RT 445 waterline replacement, G&R Charles has completed replacing the water main it has been tested and is functioning as intended. They have also completed the temporary paving for the winter months. Uni-Tec is projecting remaining funds of $182,000.00, giving us an opportunity to approach the county about some additional work. 1) The water allocation permit has revealed the need to construct a measuring device on Phillips Creek to ensure that the Borough is meeting its pass by flow requirements. 2) Installing a 2” blow off valve near the treatment plant as well as a screen for the raw water main so that we can abandon the old chlorine building where the screen is currently located. A motion was made by Ed Bowman seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to have Uni-Tec approach Centre County to use the remaining SR445 funds to help complete the two proposed projects. Motioned carried.

G&R Charles has submitted pay application No. 3 in the amount of $105,053.70 to Uni-Tec, they have reviewed the quantities and agree. Copies are in council packets. A motions was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Beth Cowher to have President Ilgen sign the submission for $105,053.701. Motion carried.

Uni-Tec prepared an inspection on the bridge over Elk Creek on Park Road. The bridge appears to be in fair condition but Uni-Tec did make some recommendations to improve safety.

Resolution 2018-8 increasing EDU rate from $70.00 to $75.00 was reviewed. A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to resolution 2018-8. Motion carried.

A motions was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Ed Bowman to adopt Ordinance 265, establishing the 2019 tax rate. Motion carried.

The final budget for 2019 was included in council packets. A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Ed Bowman to adopt the 2019 General budget, the 2019 Water budget, the 2019 Sewer budget, the 2019 Liquid Fuels budget and the 2019 Fire Tax Budget. Motion carried.

Proposed meeting dates were include in council packets. A motion was made by Beth Cowher seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh to approve the meeting dates for Borough Council, HARB and Planning Commission. Motion carried.

Council reviewed letter from Pam Winter expressing her interest in continuing to provide Sewage Enforcement Officer Services to the Borough and the 2019 SOE fee schedule. A motions was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Ed Bowman to reappoint Pam Winter as primary sewage enforcement officer, Charles Herr as secondary sewage enforcement officer and to accept the 2019 SOE fee schedule. Motion carried.

Council reviewed the accounting services agreement from Baker Tilly. A motion was made by Ed Bowman seconded by Beth Cowher to accept the agreement as presented and have President Ilgen sign and return the agreement. Motion carried.

Pisano Winery at 103 Penn Street, the Borough has received a package from Nittany Engineering, Mr. Pisano needs to go thru DEP for an additional sewer facility planning module DEP is requesting a resolution for the land development stating that the borough has EDU’s available for Mr. Pisano to proceed with the winery. Solicitor John Miller reviewed the Nittany Engineering documents and stated he had no problem having President Ilgen sign the document resolution and sewer planning module. A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Beth Cowher to have President Ilgen sign the Resolution for the Plan Revision for New Land Development (number 2018-9) and the sewer planning module that was prepared by Nittany Engineering. Motion carried.

Nittany Engineering documents will be presented to the Planning Commission at their next meeting on December 26, 2018.

Part time employee:

Council reviewed the memorandum in regard to Kent Yearick, this is to be placed in his personnel file. Mr. Yearick refused to report to work doing snow removal the night of November 16, 2018. On November 19, 2019 Mr. Yearick was requested to attend a meeting with President Ilgen and Councilman Robert Zeigler. Mr. Yearick refused the meeting and handed his keys to Mr. Kerstetter. We are looking at this as job abandonment. The Borough has a lead on 2 prospects to replace Mr. Yearick, will be looking at 10 dollars per hour on an as needed basis.

Old Business:

Library lease is signed and filed, still waiting on the signed copy for Code.

A motions was made by Ed Bowman seconded by Robert Zeigler to allow the library to install a lockbox on the door for use by library volunteers to access the library. Motion carried.

The Borough internet has been upgraded to 7m.

Borough building door keys were distributed to Patty Beckenbaugh and Beth Cowher. A phone list will be distributed to library volunteers making it easier for them to have access to the building and open the library.

Our 2019 Liquid Fuels application has been submitted listed in order of priority. Paving of Locust Street, Walnut Street and South Street, the 4 speed signs and last the stop blocks. We should hear the results in January or February. If the speed radar signs are not approved discussion will be held on purchasing them with Borough funds.

A discussion was held on purchasing a banner for $75.00 to support the Centre County United Way, It was decided in doing so we would be setting a precedence and we are declining the offer.

Mifflinburg Bank has donated $1000.00 to the Borough Beautification Fund,

Our Emergency Management Fund CD in the amount of $1040.03 is up for renewal. A motion was made by Beth Cowher seconded by Robert Zeigler to renew the CD for 18 months at a rate of 2.25%. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Ed Bowman seconded by Beth Cowher to approve the November 13, 2018 minutes. Motion carried.

Council reviewed the account balance report. A motion was made by Ed Bowman seconded by Robert Zeigler to approve the account balance report. Motion carried.

The Borough has received notification that our electric company contract expires January 2020. APPI would like to once again like to negotiate with power companies on our behalf. A motion was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Ed Bowman to have President Ilgen sign the APPI Letter of Exclusive Representation.  Motion carried.

Next council meeting will be held Friday December 21st, 2018 at 8:30 am

A motions was made by Robert Zeigler seconded by Ed Bowman to adjourn. Motion carried, Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
