2020-01-06 Reorganization Meeting


                                                                                 225 EAST MAIN STREET         

P.O. BOX 421



                                   PHONE (814) 349-5350                                   FAX (814) 349-5733


January 06, 2020

Mayor Lauralee Snyder called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 7:00 PM. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Stephen Myers, Beth Cowher, Katie Blume and Mayor Lauralee Snyder also in attendance Secretary/Assistant Treasurer Denise Immel and Lisa Farwell Treasurer/Assistant Secretary. Absent Patty Beckenbaugh.

Citizens Present: Al Ilgen, John Bruno, Melanie Morrison, Sel Edor

Mayor Snyder asked the newly elected council members to stand and administered the Oath of Office to Robert Zeigler, Beth Cowher and Katie Blume. After the swearing in ceremony Mayor Snyder called for nominations for council president. Beth Cowher nominated Robert Zeigler seconded by Steve Myers. Mayor Snyder asked for additional nominations, with no other nominations or objections all voted for Robert Zeigler for council president. President Zeigler asked for nominations for council vice president.

Robert Zeigler nominated Steve Myers seconded by Katie Blume, with no other nominations or objections all voted for Steve Myers for council vice president.


A motion was made by Steve Myers to accept the appointments as presented to council seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion carried.

Citizens Input: none

Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission Reports: none

New Action Items:

Resolution 2020-01, US Census:

A motion was made by Katie Blume to adopt resolution 2020-01 committed to partnering with the U.S. Census Bureau to share the importance of the census and encourage all residents to respond. Seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion carried.

Resolution 2020-02 Ilgen Sewer Line Extension:

 Mr. Ilgen presented the new proposed wastewater disposal facilities drawing taking the required manholes from two (2) to one (1). A motion was made by Beth Cowher to accept the new drawing and adopt resolution 2020-02 seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.

Baker Tilly Accounting Service Agreement:

A motion was made by Steve Myers to accept and have President Zeigler sign the accounting service agreement seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion carried.

Old Action Items:

Additional Policy Approval:

A motion was made by Steve Myers to approve the Gifts and Gratuities Policy, Driver’s Safety and Motor Vehicle Record Policy, Condition of Employment, Benefits Policy and Millheim Borough Employee Evaluation Report as presented, seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion carried.

Solar Project Update:

Sel Edor reported that our project with has qualified for Safe Harbor, the solar panels have been ordered and will be ready for delivery in April 2020. A motion was made by Steve Myers to have President Zeigler sign the FirstEnergy Interconnection Application and the FirstEnergy Metering Rider-Application for Service, seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion carried.

Small Water and Sewer Grants update:

Uni-Tec has submitted the grants, decision will not be made public until July.

Park Road and Bridge Update:

Documentation has been received from the Centre County board of Commissioners allocating $100,000.00 for the Park Road bridge project, these funds are restricted to use on the bridge only.

Next step is to complete a PennDOT form MS-339 and send to Tom Martin, Director of Financial Management.

Weed Ordinance: no update

Committee and Mayor Reports: none

A motion was made by Beth Cowher to approve the December 20, 2019 council minutes seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Katie Blume to have treasurer Farwell establish online banking for the Borough accounts, online banking to be used for transfers and research purposes only, seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Beth Cowher to remove J. Alan Ilgen from all bank accounts and to have Robert Zeigler, Lauralee Snyder, Denise Immel and Lisa Farwell as signers on all accounts with two signatures required, seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Steve Myers to close the General CD and the Sewer CD, upon maturity and deposited to the like titled CD’s established as money markets with Mifflinburg Bank, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Steve Myers to adjourn seconded by Beth Cowher. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.


Denise Immel Secretary/Assistant Treasurer
