2021-12-14 Council Minutes



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December 14, 2021

Robert Zeigler called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler,

Patty Beckenbaugh, Beth Cowher.  Also, in attendance, Sherry Corman, Millheim Borough Treasurer/ Assistant Secretary and Mayor Lauralee Snyder, Solicitor John Miller.  Not in attendance were Council Members Katie Blume and Steve Myers and Denise Immel, Secretary/Assistant Treasurer. Citizens present: Leslie Warriner

Citizens Input: None

Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda was approved including an item requested by the maintenance crew. They would like to purchase either a portable fuel tank and pump that they can take on the truck. It would relieve them of making multiple trips to Burkholder’s for gas in small cans when they use so much during the mowing season. A motion was made by Beth Cowher to approve the consent agenda along with the purchase of a fuel tank in the amount not to exceed $1000.00. The motion was seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh.

New Action Items

The 2022 Millheim Borough Budget was advertised as required and motion was made by Beth Cowher to approve the 2022 budget and seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh.

Tax Resolution 2021-14, stating that the real estate tax rate for the borough will not increase for the year 2022 was presented by solicitor John Miller. A motion was made by Patty Beckenbaugh to approve and sign the resolution, seconded by Beth Cowher.

The meeting dates for 2022 were presented and a discussion was held. Council chose to continue to keep the council meetings set for the second Tuesday evening of each month at 7:00pm and the Friday following 10 days later if needed at 8:30am. Solicitor John Miller reminded us that the meeting dates need to be advertised ASAP. Since the Lock Haven express is now newspaper of general circulation in our area it was recommended to place the ad there instead of the CDT.  A motion was made by Beth Cowher to approve the meeting dates as presented and seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh.

A review of the agencies, boards and committee appointments was held. We received a letter and fee schedule from Laron Horner requesting the position of Sewage Enforcement Officer for the Millheim Borough and Pamela Winters as the alternate Sewage Enforcement Officer for the same time period. A motion was made by Patty Beckenbaugh to accept his letter of interest and fee schedule, reply to Mr. Horner with a letter from the borough and approve him as the new Millheim Borough Sewage Enforcement Officer. The motion was seconded by Beth Cowher. We will look at agencies, boards and committees again at the reorganizational meeting in January.

Council members discussed the upcoming organizational meeting that will be held in January along with the procedure for the swearing in process. Lauralee Snyder has been the Mayor of Millheim for many years and council is so grateful for all her years of public service and knowledge given to our community. While sad to see her leave the position, Steve Myers was elected to be our new mayor. Steve was absent from this meeting so the borough secretaries were asked to remind Steve that he will need to go to the District Magistrate and be sworn in before our council meeting on January 3rd. Patty Beckenbaugh is also finished with her term and did not seek re-election. The borough is also very grateful for her public service and will miss working alongside of her as well.

The mowing of the Union Cemetery was delegated to our own maintenance crew for 2021. Adam DeGarmo tracked the hours spent and gas used to do this. The figures were calculated at a combined total of $1661.75. A motion was made by Bath Cowher to reimburse our General fund from the Union Cemetery Money Market account in the amount of $1661.75 and was seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh.

Old Action Items

The Human Relations Commission was discussed. Robert Zeigler voiced the changes that have been made to the ordinance by the other Municipalities to lessen the burden on the local level and how he believes that the borough should consider signing the ordinance so that the rural community has a voice and a seat at that table. Mayor Snyder voiced her concern about signing an ordinance and not having the tools to do what it is requiring. Beth Cowher still feels that we should not join. The issue will be tabled again until the next council meeting which will include our newly elected members.

Merry Millheim was discussed. The overall view was that Friday evening, when Santa was in town, the local businesses were very busy. The remainder of the event did not seem as successful as past years as the weather was not the best with high winds and rain.

The Sewer Grant was signed and approved for $404,000.00. We should soon see this income. As discussed at prior meetings we will use this money to replace the membranes at the sewer treatment plant and put in a new equalizer tank which will release the ARA money for other projects.

There is also an upcoming gravel/low pavement grant coming up. As soon as we have the information on that we will get in touch with Leslie Warriner to help with the grant writing process. A discussion was held regarding the Race Alley area for this grant.

No discussion was held in regards to the HR policies.

Secretary’s Report

We received a letter from the PA State Mayors association to be a member. We need to talk to Steve Myers, incoming mayor, to see if this is a program he is interested in joining. Sherry will scan the letter and email Steve.

A motion was made to amend the agenda by Patty Beckenbaugh and seconded by Beth Cowher to include the UNI-TEC invoice.

The UNI-TEC invoice was presented in the amount of $1,125.00, for engineering services related to the Park Road Bridge Repairs and also the Penn Street Water Main Relocate. A motion was made by Beth Cowher to pay the invoice and seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh.

A motion was made by Patty Beckenbaugh to amend the agenda to include a discussion and decision regarding the propane tank at the borough maintenance building. The motion was seconded by Beth Cowher.

Sherry Corman stated is has come to our attention that the propane tank used at the maintenance building is not our property and does not belong to Ingram Fuels. Ingram fuels is our current propane provider. We were made aware of this by an email from Stan Bierly’s.  According to Mr. Bierly the borough used to purchase its propane from them and the tank belongs to AMGAS. He noticed that we have not purchased propane from them for quite some time. Sherry Corman called Ingrams to notify them because they were unaware. Ingrams immediately removed us from the auto delivery at the maintenance building which was scheduled for delivery yesterday. The tank is unmarked by AMGAS and Ingrams and our staff were under the assumption that the tank was the boroughs property. Adam DeGarmo stopped at Millheim Small Engine to get an estimate on a new tank we would own. Millheim Small Engine quoted a 500-gallon tank at $2,500.00. They are very hard to get at this time and have increased significantly in price. Millheim Small Engine only has one in stock. Ingrams recommended that we use the remaining propane that is in the current tank and let them know when the propane level is at 30% if the borough is interested in them setting in a tank. This will give Ingrams time to get the tank in and set it up for us. The cost to lease a tank is included in the pricing. Beth Cowher recently had some issues which caused her to be in touch with Hellers and Ingrams and the pricing per gallon seems to be the same. We discussed that we already use Ingrams for propane at the Water Plant. We also discussed the pros and cons of setting in and owning our own tank. A motion was made by Beth Cowher to have Ingram fuels set in a new tank and continue to use them as the supplier. The motion was seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh.

Citizens Input

Leslie Warriner thanked and commended Lauralee Snyder and Patty Beckebaugh for their years of service to the Millheim Borough.


A motion was made at 8:00pm by Beth Cowher to adjourn the meeting seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh.


Sherry S. Corman, Treasurer/Assistant Secretary
