2024-06-11 Council Minutes



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June 11, 2024

Robert Zeigler called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM with the pledge of allegiance. Council members in attendance: Nickelaus Engle, Beth Cottrell and Cecilia Gallup. Also in attendance, Mayor Steve Myers,

Denise Immel Borough Secretary, Cim Besecker Borough Treasurer and Solicitor John Miller.  Absent Katie Blume.

Citizens present: David Grubb, Amanda Mitchell and Amber May. Also John Segursky representing Buchart Horn

Citizens input: Mr. Grubb presented his proposal for a fireworks display for the 4th of July at the Millheim Fire Company grounds. This is an event that he has presented every year for members of the community to enjoy. He requested permission from Borough Council to hold the 4th of July fireworks event within borough limits. Cecilia Gallup made a motion to amend the agenda adding Mr. Grubbs request for fireworks approval, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed. Cecilia Gallup made a motion to grant Mr. Grubb permission to hold the 4th of July fireworks display within the borough limits with the following conditions, all PA statues, in regard to fireworks must be met, and liability insurance must be obtained and presented to Millheim Borough office as well a copy of the permission letter from the Fire

Company, seconded by Beth Cottrell. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Beth Cottrell to approve the May 24, 2024 minutes as presented, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Nickelaus Engle to approve the May 2024 financials after changing the Jersey Shore Sewer loan balance from $4,019,322.43 to $1,019,422.43 to correct typo, seconded by Beth Cottrell. Motion passed.

Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission reports:

The Code Enforcement report was reviewed with no questions or comments. No reports from HARB or the Planning Commission.

Employee Reports

Mowing season has officially begun. The new solar project has been completed, adding this to the existing mowing, the Borough now maintains 15 acres of property. A few new homes have been constructed and hooked up to the town water. Street sweeping has been completed.

New Action Items

Invoices: none

Fee Resolution 2024-03:

Beth Cottrell made a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-03 establish a fee schedule to accompany the filing of certain applications to the Borough and for the issuance of various permits by the Borough as authorized and required by certain ordinances or resolutions of the Borough, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Long Lane:

Millheim Borough received an email expressing concerns with the speeding on Long Lane. Residents states a safety issue for walker, joggers, bicyclist and children at play.  After some discussion it was agreed to move our digital speed signs from North Street and Penn Street to Long Lane.

Pride Month Resolution 2024-04:

Cecilia Gallup made a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-04, recognizing and supporting LGBTQ+ Pride Month June 2024, seconded by Beth Cottrell. Motion passed.

Solar siting:

PV Code has received requests for information on the Boroughs interpretation of the term “Essential Services” as it is defined in the Borough Zoning Ordinance specifically as it applies to the installation of a Principal Solar Energy System1 (“PSES”).  Our ordinance is a bit outdated as it does not specifically address solar fields. Robert Zeigler will speak with code for recommendations on updating the ordinance.

The EADS road assessment:

Council is researching firms with capabilities of completing a road assessment for Borough roads. Giving Council the ability to prioritize road work.

Town Clock:

The steeple housing the town clock is in dire need of repair or demolition. Calvary Church is asking for assistance. Council spoke on grant possibilities and will request estimates for Calvary Church to repair the steeple.

Union Cemetery:

Millheim Borough will assess the cost of cleaning and repairing or resetting tombstones.

Security cameras:

Concerns have been voiced on how secure locations owned by the Borough are. Estimates will be gathered for security cameras at the sewer plant, water plant and maintenance area. Robert Zeigler will pursue grant funding opportunities.

Month art meeting:

Council has received a request to use of Fountain Park for a monthly meeting of artists to come together to paint. Beth Cottrell made a motion to approve the request with the conditions that the property is not damaged and all waste is properly disposed of, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Old Action Items

Community Yard Sale:

A motion was made by Cecilia Gallup to authorize community yard sales June 13th, June 14th and June 15th with no permits required, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

VCBA update:

Beth Cottrell made a motion authorizing Millheim Borough to act as the pass thru for grant funding for VCBA, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Infrastructure updates:

Screen Replacement:

Buchart Horn has been on site and reviewed the work and has no issues for the contractor to repair or complete. Final paperwork is being prepared before we can complete final payment.

DCED Multimodal Grant Bridge Project:

Buchart Horn is working with Chilton Design to finalize the plans for bidding. They have not had any activity with Chilton at this point.

WWTP Project – Equalization Tank:

Buchart Horn is preparing the DEP Permit Application. The application required signature by the Borough. Permit to be submitted prior to June 21

Raw Water Main Replacement:

Buchart Horn was on site on May 22, 2024 to collect data to establish the base mapping for the project.

Elk Creek LT2 Permit:

Buchart Horn is working with Justin Kerstetter to complete the permit submission indicating the methodology that will be used the water plant to meet the requirements of Elk Creek as a water source. As Buchart Horn’s involvement with this permit has grown they have an agreement for services to complete the submission and provide support through approval in the amount of $2,500.00 Nickelaus Engle made a motion the Elk Creek LT2 Permit application authorizing Robert Zeigler to sign the Elk Creek LT2 Permit application agreement, seconded by Beth Cottrell. Motion passed.

CFA Multimodal Transportation Fund Grant (DCED):

This funding application for Mill Street is due July 31, 2024. Buchart Horn will present at the July meeting a resolution to apply and a letter of commitment to match funds. This application requires a $100 fee as well.

Race Aly:

Millheim Borough has received a grant thru Centre County Conservation District’s Dirt, Gravel and Low Volume Road Maintenance Project (DGLVR) awarding funds to improve the surface of Race Aly. Nickelaus Engle made a motion authorizing Robert Zeigler to sign the contract provided modifications to the application could be made, seconded by Beth Cottrell. Motion passed.

Codification update:

The estimate for codification from American Legal Publishing has been received, cost can range between $900.00 and $1,500.00 for the 55 pages this is higher than previously approved. Beth Cottrell made a motion to amend the motion made on May 14, 2024 raising the allowed cost from $1,000.00 to $1,750.00, seconded by Cecilia Gallup. Motion passed.

Friday morning community session:

Nickelaus Engle proposed using the scheduled Friday meeting dates as a work session, inviting residents in to speak on issues and concerns they have within the borough, possibly serve coffee and doughnuts. Solicitor Miller reminded council that an agenda would need to be posted as well as minutes taken. Council agreed to meeting, with Nickelaus Engle organizing and running meeting.

Community work program: no update

Secretary’s Report

Zoning Board will render final decision on variance for vacant lot at the corner of Pine Street and East Main Street on Thursday June 20, 2024 at 6PM in council chambers.

We are still missing approximately 15 responses from the property information requests. One Mailing was sent with two follow up emails. I will send one final email request, council will need to decide when or if to schedule inspections.

Nickelaus Engle made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Beth Cottrell, Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.


Denise Immel, Borough Secretary
