2021-08-10 Council Minutes
P.O. BOX 421
PHONE (814)-349-5350 FAX (814)-349-5733
August 10, 2021
Robert Zeigler called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 PM. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Patty Beckenbaugh and Katie Blume also in attendance Denise Immel Borough Secretary/Assistant Treasurer and Sherry Corman Treasurer/Assistant Secretary, Mayor Lauralee Snyder and Solicitor John Miller
Citizens present: none
Citizens Input: none
Consent Agenda
Water /Sewer Report
Both damaged fire hydrants have been replaced, North Street went smoothly, Penn Street was a bit different as a breakage occurred causing residents to be without water for a short period of time.
The approved grinder pump has been ordered and will be installed when the existing pump clogs again. PSI is being contacted to set up a maintenance agreement for the spring of every year. Unless there would be catastrophic failure this will be the only time our pumps would need pulled.
Testing for the water treatment license has been completed, and am awaiting for the application to submit to DEP. Wendy Malehorn will be conducting the same type of class for sewer in January 2022, if everything goes as scheduled I will take the wastewater exam no later than April, 2022.
Maintenance Report
We have contacted several tree removal companies to get estimates on the seven trees we are looking to have removed. Bartlett came in at $12,000.00, Mosier $11,000.00, Ben Haupt $5,000.00.
Katie Blume made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
New Action Items
Finding request from EPVCBA – not yet received
Possible donation to collaborate with Walkfest
Katie Blume made a motion to make a donation of $250.00 to Penns Valley EMS for their time spent at Walkfest and a contribution of $250.00 to the Millheim Fire Police honoring Kevin Lingle, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Route 45 Getaway Recap
The Getaway has been well received, local businesses saw increase in foot traffic and sales. The goal of the committee is to get additional towns involved.
Support for Solar Co Op
Additional information is needed before any decisions will be made.
Jersey Shore State Bank
Michael Musto has informed us that Jersey Shore Bank will sometime, in the near future, discontinue using the Libor index as a base for setting rates. As an alternative they will offer the Borough a rate of Wall Street Journal Prime minus 1%. The current Wall Street Journal Prime is 3.25%, so our loan would have a starting rate of 2.25% or .25% below our current rate. There would be no fees to accomplish this. Council has requested additional information be obtained so an informed decision can be made.
902 Grant Round
A pre application meeting will be August 18, 2021 at 10:30 AM. This grant may be a way to get some funding for the tractor and bucket.
Tree Removal
We received three quotes to have seven trees removed:
Bartlett Tree Service $12,000.00
Mosier Tree Service $11,500.00
Ben Haupt $ 5,000.00
Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to award the project to Ben Haupt for $5,000.00, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Utility Reimbursement Agreement/Resolution 2021-10
We have received the Utility Reimbursement Agreement from the Department of Transportation for the required work on the SR2011 (Penn Street Bridge) and the resolution granting the Borough president the ability to sign said agreement. Katie Blume made a motion to pass Resolution 2021-10 granting the borough president permission to sign the Utility Reimbursement Agreement, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried. Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to accept the Utility Reimbursement Agreement as presented, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Use Uni-Tec for DCED grant- deadline has passed.
Roy’s concerns about water shed grounds
Roy has concerns that if the solar array is installed and the current road used the quality of the watershed may be affected also that DEP would not allow, He has requested we ask BAI to find an alternative route.
Justin passed his test
Justin Kerstetter has passed his water treatment certifications and is awaiting the licensing application.
Katie Blume made a motion to split the allocation of Justin Kerstetter’s payroll 50/50 between the water and sewer accounts. Adam Degarmo’s and Michael Confer’s payroll allocations will be 34% general account 33% each to water and sewer account, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
New Hire
Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to accept Michael Confer as our new maintenance employee effective 07/30/2021, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
2022 Financial Requirement and Minimal Municipal Obligation for Pension
Katie Blume made a motion to accept the Minimal Municipal Obligation of $11,600.00 as presented by T.A. Anderson and Associates and authorizing Robert Zeigler to sign said document, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Baker Tilly Audit
Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to accept the 2020 audit as presented by Baker Tilly, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Traffic Logix iCloud
Katie Blume made a motion to renew the iCloud subscription in the amount of $800.00, to allow the borough to continue to monitor traffic patterns, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Dutch Fall Festival
Haines Township has requested the services of the Millheim Fire Police for traffic control and pedestrian control on Route 45 during the Dutch Fall Festival being held on Saturday October 02 from 10 AM to 5 PM and on Sunday October 03 from 10 AM to 3 PM. Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to approve the request as presented, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion Carried.
Centre County Suicide Prevention Resolution 2021-11
Katie Blume made a motion to accept Resolution 2021-11 designating the month of September as Millheim Borough Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month and designating September 10, 2021 as Millheim Borough Suicide Awareness and Prevention Day, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month-October
Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to honor Centre Safe’s request to string purple light on the Fountain Park gazebo during the month of October to raise awareness of domestic violence and to let victim who live in our community know that the Borough is working to break the isolation of abuse, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Review of HR Policies – tabled for the September meeting
Dates for Budget Meetings
Katie Blume made a motion to establish Wednesday, September 22, Wednesday, September 29, Wednesday, October 06 and if needed Wednesday, October 13 as dates to discuss the 2022 Borough budget, all meetings will begin at 7:00 PM in the council room, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to pay invoice #1000046502 in the amount of $1,010.00, seconded
by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Old Action Items
Water/Dam grant update- currently waiting on DEP
Rebid update on Park Road – no update
Human Relations Commission
A productive discussion was held with the Solicitors from State College, Bellefonte, and Ferguson Township. The commission is being put on a temporary hold while some of the issues raised by the attorneys are reviewed and addressed.
Pollinator Update – still trying to coordinate volunteers
Flood mitigation/addressing erosion update
Centre County Conservation District has ordered 25 plants to be placed from 102 Race Street to the Elk Street Bridge. There is no cost to the Borough for the plants and the District will assist in the planting process.
Secretary’s Report
Act 65
Act 65 of 2021 amends the Sunshine Law to create a new requirement. Effective August 29, 2021 all local government boards and commissions must post meeting agendas for all advertised public meetings
at least 24 hours before each meeting. New items may added to the agenda by a majority vote after first stating the reason, a revised agenda must be posted on the webpage on the first business day following that meeting.
Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:51 PM
Denise Immel Secretary/Assistant Treasurer