2020-11-10 Council Minutes
P.O. BOX 421
PHONE (814)-349-5350 FAX (814)-349-5733
November 10, 2020
Robert Zeigler called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 7:00 PM. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Katie Blume and Patty Beckenbaugh. Absent Steve Myers and Beth Cowher. Also, in attendance Mayor Lauralee Snyder, Solicitor John Miller and Denise Immel Borough Secretary/Assistant and Sherry Corman Borough Treasurer/Assistant Secretary.
Citizens Present: Nickelaus Engle, Michael Slack and Pam Winter
Citizens Input:
Ms. Winter and Mr. Slack voiced concerns about the increased traffic on what they believed to be an unnamed alley running from Cherry Street to North High Street, between their properties on Hillcrest Avenue and Cherry Street. They stated that this area has never been maintained by the borough and that the residents have mowed the area for many years. They believe this area was or is used as a utility right of way. Both Mr. Slack and Ms. Winter expressed interest in absorbing the property bordering their land and are willing to pay any necessary survey costs. Solicitor Miller and Borough administration will check records to verify if this area has ever been ordained.
Consent Agenda:
Katie Blume made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
New Action Items:
Adam Update:
Adam DeGarmo has been quarantined from November 02, 2020 to November 10, 2020. He tested negative for Covid-19 on November 02, but since the test was done immediately after his exposure it was agreed he should be quarantined for 10 days. He returned to work on November 11, 2020. The Borough will submit the quarantine hours to Centre County for reimbursement from our Covid-19 allotment.
Chris GIbbons Update:
Mr. Gibbons has reviewed our current debt load and has reported that at this time it would not be beneficial to refinance any of our existing debt.
Approve 2021 Budget:
The legal notice for review of the 2021 proposed budget was placed in the Centre Daily Times on October 18, 2020 and is now ready for adoption. Katie Blume made a motion to approve the 2021 budget as presented, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Articles being written by Ed Carter:
Mr. Carter sent at article on How to Campaign with Disabilities which has been posted on our Face Book page and on the webpage. He is interested in having additional articles published. After discussion it was decided that any and all articles will need to be reviewed prior to publication and all articles will be on a case by case basis.
Grant Writing:
Solicitor Miller recommended Ms. Warriner be viewed as an independent contractor with set specifications as to reimbursement. Discussion will be held with Ms. Warriner for her preferences. If she agrees to acting as an independent contractor a consulting agreement will be needed.
Transfer PennVest Funds:
A motion was made by Patty Beckenbaugh to transfer $13,237.20 from the Water Fund account to the Water Construction account to cover the PennVest payment of $1,103.10 per month for the year 2021, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Transfer Sewer Loan Payment:
The sewer loan payment for Jersey Shore is due December 01, 2020. No transfer was made from sewer checking to sewer money market the end of October. This will leave ample funds to cover payment.
Solvency Fee:
The Borough has received our annual Solvency Fee Notification, as council foresees no issues that would require or allow staff filing for unemployment during 2021 Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to decline payment, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Uni-Tec Invoice:
Katie Blume made a motion to pay the Uni-Tec invoice as presented, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Centre Communication Proposal:
Millheim Borough has received a proposal for the purchase of mobile radios for use by the maintenance crew. The proposal was reviewed. Council agrees that the radios are needed but would like to other proposals. Administration will research other companies.
Master Plan Development:
A work session will be established after January 01, 2021 to start developing a master plan for the borough.
Old Action Items:
Covid-19 Update:
The Borough has received our first reimbursement check for Centre County Government. Scheduling the installation of the air filtration and lighting sensors as well as deep cleaning of office and hallway will be done by November 30, 2020.
Update on Solar at Sewer Plant:
Constellation has corrected the billing for the sewer plant and is working on the water and general accounts.
Penn Street Bridge Update: no report
Park Road Update:
Justin Kerstetter has met on site with Mr. Segursky. Recommendations were given, with road right of way being 33 feet.
Dam Weir/Water Screen/Building Update:
Roy Rupert met with Mr. Segursky various options were discussed.
NIMS: no update
Secretary Report:
Leaf Collection:
Residents have been contacting the borough office requesting an additional leaf collection date. An additional week has been established. Brush and leaves will be collection the week of November 23rd.
Unnamed Alley:
See Citizens input
A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to adjourn, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:22 PM.
Denise Immel Secretary/Assistant Treasurer