2020-08-21 Council Minutes
P.O. BOX 421
PHONE (814)-349-5350 FAX (814)-349-5733
August 21, 2020
Robert Zeigler called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler,
Steve Meyers and Patty Beckenbaugh Also, in attendance Mayor Lauralee Snyder and Denise Immel, Millheim Borough Secretary/Assistant Treasurer. Absent Beth Cowher and Katie Blume.
Citizens present: none
Consent Agenda:
Code Enforcement Report/HARB/Planning Commission Reports: no reports.
Employee Reports:
Roy Rupert reported to Robert Zeigler that the dry press test begins next week (08-24-2020). He has rented a dumpster for $350.00 to handle waste and disposal. The analysis and report should be available two weeks after the test is complete.
Approval of Minutes for August 11, 2020
Committee and Mayor’s Report:
Robert Zeigler signed the acknowledgement on behalf of the borough to get West Penn’s permission to get us on the grid.
Robert Zeigler will begin employee reviews in September, any input is welcomed.
Approval of Scott Long as the borough’s Emergency Management Coordinator.
Steve Myers made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
New Action Items:
Covid-19 Related Updates: Covid-19 Funds from County:
The Borough has received notification from Centre County that we will be receiving $15,920.00 in relief funding. These dollars must be used for COVID-19 related expenses only. Guidelines have been established and must be adhered to.
Grant for Screen, Building and Dam:
The Borough has been notified that the Commonwealth Financing Authority has approved our Small Water Grant application to construct a crest water weir at the dam, demolish a building and install a new vault for a raw water screen in the Borough in the amount of $106,000.00. Further discussion on the best way to proceed will be held at the next meeting.
Land Lease Agreement for Solar:
We have received and forwarded to Solicitor John Miller a draft agreement from BAI Group for the land by water facility to be used as a solar field. Mr. Miller has responded with his recommendations.
Negotiations will continue.
Pollinator/Solar at sewer and payment:
The solar plant has passed all inspections, the solar array has been turned on and is generating power. We have received the final bill of $50,000.00. Steve Myers made a motion to pay said bill minus any pollinator reimbursement that might be negotiated within two weeks, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Input for Fall Newsletter:
Various topics were listed to be included in newsletter, we will continue to add and subtract to list as needed.
Potential Burn Ban:
Council discussed the possibility of instituting a burn band and water usage band. Final decision was tabled until the September meeting. Notifications will be put on the Facebook page and the webpage for residents to be mindful of the current conditions.
Old Action Items:
Budget Dates: no updates
Fire Tax: no updates
NIMS: no updates
Secretary’s Report:
The Beautification CD will mature on September 09, 2020. Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to allow the CD to renew at going rate, seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried.
Steve Myers made a motion to support the request from Centre Safe to designate October as Domestic Violence Awareness month and allow purple lights to be strung on the gazebo in Fountain Park and signage to be handed out to businesses, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
The Borough has received reimbursement from State Farm for damages done to the fire hydrant on Oak Street.
Steve Myers made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 AM.
Denise Immel Secretary/Assistant Treasurer