2020-07-24 Council Minutes
P.O. BOX 421
PHONE (814)-349-5350 FAX (814)-349-5733
July 24, 2020
Robert Zeigler called the meeting to order at 8:40 AM. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler,
Katie Blume, and Steve Meyers Joined by phone. Patty Beckenbaugh joined at 8:50 AM. Also, in attendance was Sherry Corman, Millheim Borough Treasurer/ Assistant Secretary. Absent Beth Cowher, Mayor Lauralee Snyder.
Citizens present: none
Code Enforcement Report/HARB/Planning Commission Reports: none to report
Employee Reports: Justin reported to Robert that they were doing a leak detect test today.
New Action Items:
Covid-19 Update:
Robert Zeigler reported that Spring Mills is up to 13 cases now. He also reports no news from the county yet regarding any covid relief payment.
Agility Agreement:
The Agility Agreement changes and discrepancies that were noted at the July 14, 2020 meeting were taken care of by Denise Immel with PennDot and changes accordingly. Steve Myers made a motion to approve the Agility agreement, Katie Blume seconded the motion. Motion carried.
TV/DVD Player for Historical Room:
Robert Zeigler presented that he had a TV/DVD player available for purchase in the amount of $25.00 for the history room. The discussion is tabled until the next regular meeting.
Fire Tax:
Robert Zeigler reports that he has a meeting next week with the other municipalities involved with the fire company. The discussion regarding the Millheim Fire Company request for payment is tabled until the next regular scheduled meeting when Robert has more information to share.
Solar Array Project:
Construction of the project at the sewer plant is to start next week. Sel Edor is getting paperwork together for the Solar property. He will put a clause in regarding things for tax breaks. Also, he asked, if possible, do we want to make the project bigger than originally planned if the ground is available? This discussion can be tabled for the future.
Mask Resolution:
A motion was made by Katie Blume to pass the 2020-16 resolution that was discussed at the July 14, 2020 meeting and seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried. Robert Zeigler reported that he spoke to Rob Fox from Penn Township and he would like a copy of the resolution after it is passed saying maybe Penn Township would follow suit. Robert Zeigler requested the borough email the resolution to all the Penns Valley municipalities and copy him in the email so he can answer any questions they may have.
Old Action Items:
Budget Times:
Discussion was tabled until the next meeting.
Borough Welcome Packet:
Nothing to report since last regular meeting.
Master Plan for the Borough:
Discussion was tabled until the next regular meeting.
Committee reports:
Patty Beckenbaugh reports that there is some issue with some trees on someone’s personal property near the Millheim Hotel. Beth Cowher had spoken to Patty Beckenbaugh. Trees are now dying and there are “bugworms” all over the road. Someone asked Justin what could be done about it? It is personal property so the home owner would be responsible but Katie Blume said she will talk to our local forester about the issue to see what he recommends.
Robert Zeigler discussed the issue with the Traffic Logix cloud costs. Patty Beckenbaugh is in charge of the roads committee. Robert Zeigler made a motion to let Patty resolve the discrepancy with the misquote and billing of the cloud info and Katie Blume seconded it. Motion carried. Denise Immel needs to get in touch with Patty Beckenbaugh regarding the issue since Sherry Corman did not have a discussion with anyone from the company and Denise is not present to comment. Sherry informed them that Denise told them our next regular meeting was not until August 11, 2020 at which point a decision can be made.
Census Update:
Robert Zeigler reported the borough is still behind but probably not as bad as some of the other municipalities. The Green Drake has agreed to allow Census people to stand in front of their building to promote the census.
Steve Myers and Robert Zeigler are the only council members who have done the course.
Last meeting minutes were not discussed or approved.
Treasurers report:
Sherry Corman presented the 2019 Baker Tilly audit reports in the council packets. Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to approve the 2019 Baker Tilly Audit reports and Katie Blume seconded it. Motion carried.
No Secretaries report for this meeting.
Steve Myers wanted to re-visit the discussion regarding Centre Wisp using our buildings for antennas to help with whatever we can to get better internet service in place before school starts due to some parents choosing online learning. Robert Zeigler said he has talked to Dave Gibbons and we are still waiting on a franchise agreement from him.
Robert Zeigler discussed employee reviews. He has a form that he has used with his employee’s at Macys. He would like to do this once a year with the borough employees. The employees rate themselves regarding their jobs and turn it in and then they have a discussion about their answers.
Katie Blume made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Patty Beckenbaugh seconded it. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 AM.
Sherry Corman, Treasurer/Assistant Secretary