2020-06-09 Council Minutes
P.O. BOX 421
PHONE (814) 349-5350 FAX (814) 349-5733
June 09, 2020
Robert Zeigler called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 7:00 PM. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Patty Beckenbaugh and Katie Blume, Beth Cowher and Steve Myers. Also in attendance Mayor Lauralee Snyder (arrived at 7: 15) and Secretary/Assistant Treasurer Denise Immel and Treasurer/Assistant Secretary Sherry Corman.
Citizens Present: David Sprowls
A question has arisen on the boundary lines and ownership of a foot bridge over Elk Creek. Robert Zeigler and Steve Myers will meet with property owner.
Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission: no reports
Employee Reports:
Sewer Plant:
Based on test results all is running well at the Wastewater plant. An inspection of the Sewer Plant with DEP was conducted over the phone with only one finding, during the bypass event in May no bypass water sample was sent for analysis.
Filtration Plant:
A quote to replace the raw water line from Route 445 to the Reservoir has been requested, total length of line is 2000 feet. The catwalk over the relocated raw waterline has been completed, giving a safer surface when adding chemicals to the day tanks.
Two quotes have been received to replace roofs on the water and sewer plants. More information was requested from contractors before a decision would be made. Tabled for next meeting.
Maintenance Report:
Solar panels have been delivered. It was necessary to rent a lift from J. S. Rentals as the panels had been double stacked and our equipment was not adequate to handle. Mr. Edor assured us that the Borough would be reimbursed the fee as the panels were not to have been double stacked.
Normal spring maintenance continues including cold patching and alley maintenance.
New Action Items:
Covid-19 CDBG:
Centre County is receiving up to $14,664,804.00 from the Covid-19 County Relief Block Grant funding, the borough has been asked for recommendations on how the funds should be distributed. After discussion it was decided to recommend the funds be distributed based on population of all the municipalities that declared an emergency. This way it’s the most fair and balanced for the municipalities that took it seriously.
Covid-19 Updates:
The time frame for waiving late charges and posting delinquent water notices has passed. The borough will post delinquent notices this month and late charges staring with the July 2020 billing. We will continue to work with businesses and residents on payment plans if requested.
Woodward Camp is set to open July 05, 2020 at 50% capacity. Concerns have been voiced by residents as to what precautions are being taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19 from campers coming from outside the area and outside the country. Robert Zeigler will request a copy of their Health and Safety Plan.
Council is still looking at options to help protect our residents and support local business.
Millheim Borough Welcome Packets:
Katie Blume and Beth Cowher are working to organize a Business Association for local businesses. Council will work with them to help establish a welcome packet for residents and businesses coming to the area.
New Historian:
Jimmy Brown has accepted the position of Historian, he will be managing the Historical Room. Beth Cowher made a motion to give Mr. Brown a key to the building and to the Historical Room seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Facebook Page:
Ms. Corman has requested assistance in establishing a Facebook Group page with no comments allowed. Beth Cowher made a motion to have Michelle Grove assist in the page set up and establish Ms. Corman’s email, not to exceed $100.00, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Update on King Agreement:
Mr. King has not signed the new agreement, he does not want to pay the same amount for what he considers to be less land. Steve Myers made a motion to barter Mr. King’s labor to help establish the pollinator at the Solar Array, the Borough will supply any seed needed and Mr. King to clear and plant, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Because of the height of the vegetation at the Solar Array, a bush hog will be needed to perform the first cutting. Katie Blume made a motion to have Roy Rupert bush hog the area for $250.00, pending that the rental on the necessary equipment exceeds $250.00, seconded by Beth Cowher. Motion carried. Mr. Zeigler will also check to see if Mr. King would be interested in cutting the vegetation in return for being able to the use the cuttings.
Discussion on Previous Timbered Land:
Mr. Zeigler has been in discussion with Sel Edor on possibly leasing part of the 340 acres by the water plant to be used for a solar field. This is an opportunity for the Borough to generate income. Katie Blume made a motion to have Mr. Edor explore options, seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried.
Discussion Resolutions:
Resolution for Housing Security during the Pandemic and Resolution for Strengthening Our Democracy were reviewed. Both resolutions required more revisions. Tabled until next meeting.
Water for Woodward Camp Pool:
Millheim Fire Company has requested the ability to open a fire hydrant on June 14, 2020 in order to obtain water to fill the pool at Woodward Gym Camp. This is a common public service most Fire Companies do. They wish to use our hydrant to speed up the process. They have a spreadsheet set up for keeping accurate totals. The overall use would be about 21,000 gallons. Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to permit the use of the fire hydrant for said purpose and to bill according to any resolutions found, if no resolution is found billing will be at current rate, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Old Action Items:
Master Plan for town: tabled for next meeting
Penn St. Discussion:
Residents are asked to please call PennDot with any and all issues and concerns.
Solar Project update:
SHPO has given approval for us to proceed, SRE is still awaiting grant approval, but is still projecting a start date of July 13, 2020.
Beth Cowher made a motion amending the motion made at the December 10, 2019 for the solar prepayment to be split 50/50 between our water and sewer accounts, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to pay SRE the first installment of $50,000.00 from the water funds, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Committee Positions: Emergency Management positon still needs filled.
Water/Sewer Grant Update: No information will be available until September 2020.
Census Update: As of May 24, 2020 Millheim Borough has a 23% response.
NIMS: Mandatory for all council members
Park Rd update: Uni-Tec is preparing the bid package for the bridge and is coordinating with Matt Kenepp on the project in order to request both the bridge and road bids at the same time.
Committee Reports:
Uni-Tec has inspected the Mill Street bridge, the Elk Street bridge and the Plum Street bridge a written report will be submitted for council to review.
Discussion was held on placing a temporary speed bump on State Street behind the Millheim Hotel or Stanley C. Bierly’s. Ms. Immel will check with Matt Kenepp if this is feasible.
The park gazebo is in need of painting.
Secretaries Report:
Katie Blume made a motion to accept Mr. Claar’s request to name his drive way Vulcan Lane as suggested by Centre County 911, seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried.
Steve Myers made a motion to approve the signing of the planned maintenance service agreement with Stanley C. Bierly for the geothermal heat pumps, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Katie Blume made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Steve Myers. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Denise Immel, Secretary/Assistant Treasurer