2020-05-12 Council Minutes
P.O. BOX 421
PHONE (814) 349-5350 FAX (814) 349-5733
May 12, 2020
Robert Zeigler called the meeting to order with the pledging of allegiance at 7:00 PM. Council members in attendance: Robert Zeigler, Patty Beckenbaugh and Katie Blume. Also in attendance Mayor Lauralee Snyder and Secretary/Assistant Treasurer Denise Immel. Absent Beth Cowher and Steve Myers.
Citizens Present: none
Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission:
The Code Enforcement report was reviewed with no questions or comments. No reports from HARB or the Planning Commission.
Employee Reports:
Membrane Plant:
A letter has been submitted to DEP explaining the situation which required the Borough bypass a portion of the flow at the Sewer Plant. A typical daily flow is 50,000 gallons on April 30 the daily flow was 144,460 gallons due to receiving 3.4 inches of rain. The influent pumps also clogged and Wyland’s Pump Service was called in to pull the pumps for cleaning.
Filtration Plant:
The excessive rainfall also caused issues at the filtration plant. Not only trying to treat the water but there was also a mechanical issue. A new Soda Ash chemical feed pump has been order and Guitilias, Inc. has replaced the chemical injection pipe. With this done we can move forward with the catwalk project and replacing the lab cabinets.
The storm also cased the loss of more shingles from the water plant roof. Roy Rupert to get a current replacement quote for both treatment plants using asphalt shingles.
A list of water and wastewater projects was submitted.
Maintenance Report:
Fountain Park is all together and looking great. PennDot came thru and started sweeping the streets we had no prior notification hence parking on Main Street was not shut down.
Stone alleys are being repaired and cold patching will begin as soon as weather gets a little warmer.
The solar project will begin soon. Justin suggested an aqua truck be used to dig holes, It is safer the equipment digging.
New Action Items:
How to support local businesses to recover during reopening:
DCED has been contacted, there are no grants available at this time, DCED will possibly open the grant process in August. A representative is looking for other options or business loans to help the Borough businesses reopen. Katie Blume made a motion to purchase liter bottles of hand sanitizer for distribution to businesses cost not to exceed $500.00, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Benefits for employees:
Quotes have been received for medical coverage, also for short and long term disability. Quotes will be taken into consideration during our budget process. Other option will also be explored.
Discussion on possible resolution:
Council reviewed the presented Anti-Corruption resolution. As this document addressed groups on both the federal and state level it was decided to look at revising to focus on the stare level.
Discussion on a master plan:
Robert Zeigler requested council members submit ideas on ways to improve the Borough or projects that would benefit our residents. Patty Beckenbaugh encouraged members to look at infrastructure projects first.
Discuss possible expansion of Memorial Park:
Various ideas were given for use if 100 Center Street, including using as a dog park, council members will explore additional ideas. Also discussed was using Memorial Park for basketball courts or skate park. Due to Covid-19 the pool will not opening this year. As council recognizes the value that the pool brings to the Borough, discussion was held on how we could assist the pool, Katie Blume made a motion to expunge the existing debt for water and sewer and to now only charges for any actual water used seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Regional Participation regarding: maintenance equipment agreements,
A revised inventory list has been received from Mr. Kerstetter. Mayor Snyder reported that during a regional meeting the possibility of having a regional maintenance agreement. Participants at the meeting stated that municipalities have individual agreements and a regional was not necessary.
Street Signs:
A request was received for “Watch Children” signage on Park Road beyond the pool entrance. Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to purchase the two signs and have maintenance install, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Katie Blume made a motion to accept the renewal rate of 1% for twelve months on the maturing CD’s
(money market) at Mifflinburg Bank, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Adding new treasurer/removing Ms. Farwell on bank accounts:
Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to remove Lisa Farwell as a signor on all bank accounts and to replace her signature with Sherry Corman, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Katie Blume made a motion to have Sherry Corman bonded, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Old Action Items:
Update on topics relating to COVID-19:
No issues or requests for assistance have been received from Borough residents.
Solar Project Update:
There are some potential snags with the USDA Grant. SRE is willing to cover some of the costs if we wait to find out about the grant. SRE has requested the start date be moved back to around July 13. The only panel delivery would be on 5/29 or 6/1 the remaining solar panels will be scheduled for when the job continues. The Borough has been asked to assist in the storage of the solar panels. MVE is able to delay WPP’s power outage until mid-July. As a result, MVE is going to delay on-site work until the job is deemed to be resuming again. Katie Blume made a motion to move the estimated start date back to July 13, 2020 seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried. Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to allow SRE to store the first delivery of solar panels on the sewer treatment grounds, with the Borough assuming no liability, with the Borough suppling a fork lift and assisting in unloading the panels, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Mr. King Agreement:
A motion was made by Patty Beckenbaugh to draw up a licensing agreement for one year on the Tattletown Road property at sewer facility, for $65.00 an acre, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Penn Street Bridge Update:
Katie Blume made a motion to accept the proposal from Uni-Tec to review the designs presented by PennDot for waterline relocation and bridge reconstruction on SR2011, cost not to exceed $1,500.00, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Penn Street Discussion: none
Committee Position: Council is still looking for someone to fill the Emergency Management position
Other Bridges:
Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to accept the proposal from Uni-Tec for the inspections of the bridges locate on Mill Street, Plum Street and Elk Street for a lump sum fee of $3,000.00, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Census Update:
Upon reading the Census Bureau webpage it was discovered that the cards encouraging participation in the 2020 census were only sent to physical addresses not to PO Boxes. The office staff of the Borough prepared a flyer that was then mailed to all residents of the 16854 zip code encouraging resident participation.
NIMS training: required by all council members
Park Road update:
Katie Blume made a motion to accept the proposal from Uni-Tec to design and permit the repairs of the Park Road Bridge as well managing the bidding and awards phase, the construction phase and the post-construction phase for a lump sum of $27,000.00, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Committee and Mayor Reports: none
Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to approve the April 14, 2020 minutes as presented, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Katie Blume made a motion to approve the April financial reports as presented, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Secretary’s Report:
The East Penns Valley Library would like to start to reopen the library. They will follow all DOH and CDC guidelines
Patty Beckenbaugh made a motion to have Ms. Corman establish a Facebook page for the Borough, for informational purposes only, no comments permitted, seconded by Katie Blume. Motion carried.
Katie Blume made a motion to transfer the funds necessary to cover the Jersey Shore loan payment due on June 01, 2020 and approve the payment to be determined at the time the bill is received, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried.
Katie Blume made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Patty Beckenbaugh. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Denise Immel Secretary/Assistant Treasurer