
Public Meeting

Millheim Borough council will hold a public meeting on October 08, 2024 at the Millheim Borough Building, 225 East Main Street, Millheim, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM for the purpose of discussing the construction of a dog park on the lot at the corner of Center Street and Water Street. Residents and business owners are encouraged to participate.

Trick or Treat 2024

Millheim Borough will be holding Trick or Treat night on Thursday, October 31, 2024 from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM, rain or shine.

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Millheim Borough council shall hold a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Millheim Borough Zoning Ordinance. This public hearing shall be held on Friday, August 30, 2024 in the Milheim Borough Municipal Building, 225 East Main Street, Millheim, Pennsylvania, commencing at 8:30 AM at which time any concerned citizens may appear and question or comment on said proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed amendment to the Millheim Borough Zoning Ordinance would amend Chapter 27, Part 2, Section 201 by adding a definition for “laundromat” and Part 3, section 307 (3) by adding laundromats as a permitted use in Village (Mixed Use) District.

2024/07/23 Planning Meeting Agenda

    1. Vote on a new chair
    2. Review mixed use residential language
    1. None
  5. CITIZENS INPUT (comments limited to five(5) minutes)

2022 Act 13 Reporting

Please use the following link to access the 2022 Act 13 Report. This report is required by the Public Utilities Commission for municipalities receiving impact fee monies as a result of the Act 13 of 2012 Marcellus Shale Well Fee.

Recycling Bins

Our maintenance staff has delivered the recycling bins, each residence should have received at least 1 bin, we apologize for not be able to disburse 2 bins to each of you, we were not supplied with enough bins for each of you to receive 2, if you do not want the bins or only need 1, please call 814-349-5350 or 814-360-2984 or email millheim@verizon.net and we will pick up and deliver to a resident who only received 1 bin. As a reminder there are recycling collection bins behind the borough building. 

Unfortunately we will not be doing curb side recycling pickup. We do not have the necessary equipment or funding to do this. The recycling bins we are providing can be emptied in the recycling containers behind the Borough building.  We encourage each of you to utilize these bins to recycle the items listed below, you are not only helping the environment but also saving money in trash fees.

Items that can be recycled include mixed paper, paperboard, magazines and newspaper. Corrugated cardboard, all boxes must be broken down. Plastics – bottles, jugs and jars. Glass – clear, green, brown. Steel and aluminum – cans and foil.

Items that cannot be recycled – batteries, styrofoam, paper plates, paper cups, glassware, ceramics and miscellaneous plastic.

Trick or Treat

Millheim Borough will be holding Trick or Treat night on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM