2024-07-09 Council Minutes



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July 09, 2024

Katie Blume called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM with the pledge of allegiance. Council members in attendance: Nickelaus Engle and Robert Zeigler. Also in attendance, Mayor Steve Myers,

Denise Immel Borough Secretary, Cim Besecker Borough Treasurer and Solicitor John Miller.  Absent Beth Cottrell and Cecilia Gallup

Citizens present: John Segursky representing Buchart Horn

Citizens input: none

A motion was made by Robert Zeigler to approve the June 11, 2024 and June 21, 2024 minutes as presented, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Nickelaus Engle to approve the June 2024 financials, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion passed. A journal entry is being made to correct the audit expense splitting audit expenditures over general, water and sewer.

Code Enforcement/HARB/Planning Commission reports:

The Code Enforcement report was reviewed with no questions or comments. No reports from HARB or the Planning Commission.

Employee Reports

Seven of the 14 membranes at the sewer plant needed to be replaced this month due to the mixer being out of commission. The membranes were shipped to us next day and installed upon receipt. The dam that was built in the race has been removed. Mulching and river stone has been placed in Fountain Park. A base meeting for the Race Ally project was held, getting an overview and project scope.

New Action Items


Robert Zeigler made a motion to approve payment of invoice 124496, Buchart Horn for professional services render on the Equalization Tank project, in the amount of $5,459.024, also to approve the payment of invoice ZA24014954, Sensus for the auto read software support program in the amount of $3,700.00 and invoice INHMN0000460, Harris Computer Systems, for UPBro annual support in the amount of $1,330.56, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Miles Township fire police request:

Miles Township has requested the assistance of the Millheim Fire Police to assist with roadway safety during their annual parade to be held on July 11, 2024. Robert Zeigler made a motion to approve Miles Township’s request, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Breezeline contract:

The contract with Breezeline for the internet service at the water plant will expire July 2024. Breezeline has sent in a new proposal to continue the service. Robert Zeigler made a motion to approve extending the contract with Breezeline and authorizes Denise Immel to sign, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Zoning Ordinance request:

Chad Shirey has presented Borough council with a request to amend the ordinance on mixed use property to include laundromat as an approved use. Council agreed to consider the request, Robert Zeigler made a motion to move forward with the request and to send a copy of the request to Centre County Planning and Borough Planning to obtain their input before a hearing is scheduled, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Open Forum update:

A few residents have taken advantage of speaking with council representative voicing their concerns on different topics.

Founder’s Fest:

Millheim Borough incorporated in 1879 and will celebrate this event in 2029, council would like to establish a weeklong event for the community. Robert Zeigler and Nickelaus Engle will recruit committee members.

Parks and parking:

Robert Zeigler made a motion to extend the stone parking lot on the Center Street property, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Water mitigation:

The heavy rain fall that has fallen has created some run off issues. Borough employees are working on addressing the issues that exist on borough roads but are unable to help with any of PennDOT roads.

Old Action Items:

The EADS Group in Lewistown presented a proposal to council to perform a road assessment on streets and allies located within the Borough and maintained by the Borough. This assessment would include evaluating road conditions, urgency of repair and possible solutions for repair work. Cost of approximately $2,500.00. Robert Zeigler made a motion to accept the proposal, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed. The EADS Group will be contacted and meeting date set.


VCBA presented a list of requests for the Borough to approve to support the SummerFest event being held on July 27th and 28th. Katie Blume made a motion to grant all requests as presented, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Infrastructure updates:

Screen Replacement Project:

Buchart Horn has been on site and reviewed the work and have no issues for the contractor to repair or complete. Final paperwork has been completed final payment. Robert Zeigler made a motion to pay Greenland Construction the final draw of $10,500.00, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

DCED Multimodal Grant Bridge Project:

Buchart Horn is still working with Chilton Design to finalize the plans for bidding. They are having difficulty getting Chilton to respond to messages.

WWTP-Equalization Tank:

The permit submission was delayed due to a hydraulic issue that needed to be resolved.

Raw Water Main Replacement:

Base mapping is completed and Buchart Horn is moving forward with design documents.

CFA Multimodal Transportation Fund Grant (DCED):

This funding application is due July 31, 2024. After a site visit Buchart Horn began to look at different phases of the project. The Local Share will determine the final project scope. Three project options were presented:

 1. Widen Mill Street from Long Lane to just past the Bridge by 6-feet, install curbing, sidewalk and storm water facilities. a. This total project cost estimate will be approximately $960,000.00. The Borough portion would be set at $288,000.00.

2. This option would begin work at the road leading into the Fraser Development and run to the bridge. There will be road widening, curb and sidewalk, storm water and the bridge replacement. a. This total project cost estimate will be approximately $410,000.00. The Borough portion would be set at $123,000.00.

3. Option three would focus on the immediate bridge area. This area would be widened and have curb and sidewalk installed along with the bridge structure. a. This total project cost estimate will be approximately $310,000.00. The Borough portion would be set at $93,000.00. b. This option could possibly be stripped down further to the bridge work only with some ancillary features to a cost of $250,000.00. The Borough’s local share would be $75,000.00.

Robert Zeigler made a motion to apply for a grant of $350,000.00 with Borough matching funds of $150,000.00 to widen Mill Street from Long lane to Mill Street Bridge, adding a walk way/bike path and address the drainage issues, granting permission for Katie Blume to sign Resolution 2024-05 authorizing the application and a letter of commitment to matching funds, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Robert Zeigler made a motion to authorize the expenditure of up to $2500.00 to purchase slow signs with flashing lights to help deter speeding on Mill Street and Park Road, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Mobile office hours:

Looking at a date in September for various representatives to be at the borough office and available to answers constituents questions.

Town Clock: no update

Solar siting: no update

Union Cemetery:

Renea Nichols report to Mr. Zeigler that the cost of the solution to clean the headstones at Union Cemetery will cost approximately $5,000.00. There are organization such as the Daughter of the American Revolution that may be willing to help with the costs. Robert Zeigler made a motion to cover any cost over the donation that are received, seconded by Nickelaus Engle. Motion passed.

Secretary’s Report:

Monthly art meeting:

Lauren Peters expressed gratitude for council approving her request to hold monthly art meeting at Fountain Park.

Park Road:

Lewis Corman contacted the Borough office expressing his concerns with the rate of speed cars are using when traveling on Park Road, he feels it has created a safety issue not only for other drivers but also for any bikers or walker on the road.

Nickelaus Engle made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Robert Zeigler. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.


Denise Immel, Secretary
